Extensive reports on the U.S.-Taiwan relationship
AmCham is pleased to share a few recent think tank reports on the ever-deepening U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship.
No more foundational technology, value chain, nor partnership exists than those covered by our U.S.-Taiwan BTA Coalition partners at Project 2049 and the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council in their upcoming report on semiconductors. The report release will take place on June 8, at 2 p.m. EST. For more information, please visit U.S., Taiwan, and Semiconductors – A Critical Supply Chain Partnership (us-taiwan.org)
Widening the lens on the partnership, scan this timely update on the economic case for a Taiwan FTA (“the BTA”) from the Heritage Foundation. The BTA is a long-overdue development and until now, a quantitative case for the business and worker benefits of such an agreement has been missing. As the BTA Coalition has noted, AmCham hopes that the promising new “U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade” announced last week by the U.S. Trade Representative will serve as springboard to a comprehensive agreement that provides market access benefits and meaningful further integration. To read the report by The Heritage Foundation, go to U.S.–Taiwan Free Trade Agreement: The Economic Case | The Heritage Foundation
To understand the “why” and “how” of expanding U.S. and multilateral economic ties with Taiwan, be on the lookout for Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Global Taiwan Institute Adviser Robert Wang’s forthcoming report on the GTI’s website.
Additionally, GTI provides an excellent panel discussion that hits the highlights of the latter two studies.