News & Activities

Infrastructure Committee: Taiwan Government Procurement and the Future of Public Works

This event was conducted in Mandarin. 為營造公平合理良性競爭的公共建設環境,工程會積極推動相關改革措施,例如研擬政府採購法修正案;鼓勵機關靈活善用採購策略,重大工程建設採最有利標,評選具履約能力之優質廠商。吳主委將說明具體配套作法,並介紹臺灣公共建設發展現況,以及未來推動之重大公共建設計畫,包括創新臺灣、能源臺灣及便捷臺灣之相關建設,期望促進創新產業,加強綠能建設及便捷海陸空交通,提升臺灣國際競爭力。 Learn…

United States and Taiwan Hold Dialogue on Trade and Investment Priorities

Below is the full text of a press release from the United States…

Notice: Executive Yuan Extends Notice & Comment Period for Draft Regulations to 60 Days

Earlier this month, the Executive Yuan (EY) issued a directive…

AmCham Taipei Marks 65th Anniversary

With a gala reception attended by nearly 100 members and…

TPP Insights from Washington DC

Most of the reporting from the United States these days paints…

Post-Doorknock High-level Meetings

Following the annual AmCham Taipei Doorknock visit to Washington…

2016 AmCham Taipei Washington Doorknock

This year’s AmCham Taipei Doorknock delegation, led by Chairman…

Conference Highlights Energy Efficiency

“Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you…

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

If you passed by the Tamsui River this week, you may have…