Membership Benefits
Tap into your network to help AmCham Taiwan grow!
Every time you recruit a member, you help to strengthen AmCham Taiwan. Through member growth, the Chamber can expand its network and create valuable opportunities for members. AmCham’s growth also creates more resources and enables support on legislative, regulatory, and enforcement issues to strengthen the international business community.
AmCham Taiwan is open to all individuals and companies (not just Americans) who have business interest in both Taiwan and the United States. The Chamber has over 1,200 members from more than 580 companies in the global business community. With 25 active industry Committees, the Chamber provides information and networking events throughout the year to help you stay informed and connected.
Recommend your friends or business associates to join today!
Any current AmCham member is eligible to participate. If you are unsure of your member status, please contact our Membership Department.
** Please note: the items mentioned below are only available after the referred person becomes a member of AmCham. Items are for members’ use only and are non-transferrable and valid for 12 months only.