AmCham Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals & Public Health Joint Committees Luncheon
<This event has been fully booked. Please contact us if you wish to be on the waiting list.>
Contact Person: Joyce Pan (02) 2718-8226 ext. 211 / [email protected]
This event has been postponed due to the commencement of the Legislative Yuan Meeting Session on Sep. 18th. The luncheon is rescheduled to Oct. 30th, Friday.
*This event will be conducted in Mandarin. The Interpretation Service has been canceled due to the Interpreter’s schedule conflict. 本次活動全程將以中文進行,因活動改期,同步口譯服務暫不提供。
台北市美國商會很榮幸邀請到衛生福利部 陳時中部長至商會演講,座位有限,請盡速報名以免向隅。
AmCham Taipei is honored to invite the Minister of Health and Welfare, Shih-Chung Chen, to join our members for a special luncheon at The Grand Hyatt. This event will offer our members an opportunity to learn more about Minister Chen’s ideas for MOHW. Seats are limited, so reserve yours today!
About the Speaker
衛生福利部部長 陳時中
Dr. Chen Shih-Chung, Minister of Ministry of Health and Welfare
Contact Person: Joyce Pan (02) 2718-8226 ext. 211 / [email protected]
*The “Meet the Minister” series are reserved for AmCham members and AmCham companies only.
If you are a non-member and interested in attending this event, please contact our
Membership Director Angelo Alvarez (02) 2718-8226 ext. 216 / [email protected]
In order to maintain epidemic prevention standards and safeguard everyone’s health, we request that all guests wear a mask when not eating and drinking.