AmCham Investing in Health Forum: 投資健康 鞏固國力 Investing in Health for a Stronger Nation
AmCham Public Health Committee Forum
Taiwan’s healthcare system has gained global recognition for its outstanding performance and resilience. As we move beyond the pandemic, it is imperative to continue investing in public health for a stronger nation. Currently, only slightly more than 6% of Taiwan’s GDP is allocated to healthcare, which is less than neighboring countries and most industrialized countries. This discrepancy is evident in various indicators such as our average life expectancy, disability-adjusted life year (DALY), infant mortality rate, survival rates of the ten most common cancers, and chronic disease control.
To address the future challenges posed by an aging population and various public health issues, extending the “healthy life expectancy” of our citizens is a new challenge for the government. The government should view health as an investment in the nation’s resilience. By harnessing the latest technology and focusing on disease prevention and management, clear objectives for improving health indicators should be set. These objectives could encompass vaccination rates, disease screening rates, cancer incidence rates, premature mortality from chronic diseases, and relapse rates for mental illness.
This forum, through collaborative efforts from the industry, government, and academia, hopes to refine health policies and encourage the governments’ investment in health to build a stronger and more sustainable future.
*Registration operates on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure your seat, payment must be completed by 12 pm on November 23.
*The event will be conducted in Chinese, but simultaneous interpretation will be provided. 論壇以中文進行,會提供同步口譯耳機服務。
Registration operates on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure your seat, payment must be completed by 12 pm on November 23.
Contact Person: Eric Hsu (02) 2718-8226 ext. 625/ [email protected]
*This event is reserved for AmCham members and AmCham companies only.
If you are a non-member and interested in attending this event, please contact our Membership Department:
Director Angelo Alvarez (02) 2718-8226 ext. 216 / [email protected]
*Ticket Refund Policy: To cancel without penalty, written cancellation must be received by AmCham before 12 pm on November 23rd (Thursday), or else the full price of the event will be charged. Thank you for your understanding.