2024 台灣美國商會癌症創新論壇: 建構百億癌症新藥基金的藍圖
時間:13:00 – 17:00
主辦單位:美國在台協會(AIT)/台灣美國商會(AmCham Taiwan)
2024 台灣美國商會癌症創新論壇由台灣美國商會(AmCham Taiwan)和美國在台協會(AIT)共同舉辦,致力於創造一個改善癌症治療、促進病患與其家屬照護、專注於科學創新、公私協力及具體行動的平台。
論壇的核心議題將圍繞在更全面的癌症新藥基金(Cancer Drug Fund, CDF),包括其財源、範圍、時程和執行細節。有了更清楚可行的策略,台灣產官學研便能共同推動癌症照護創新,以及提升醫療可近性。此外,論壇亦探討早期篩檢在改變癌症分期和提高存活率方面的關鍵作用,設定關鍵績效指標(Key Performance Indexes, KPIs),使台灣與已開發國家接軌,確保癌症照護達到國際水準。
誠摯邀請各界領袖,與台灣美國商會、台灣政府官員、專家學者、病患團體一同共襄盛舉,使癌症不再是令人膽寒的宿命,而是全民攜手可破的挑戰,End cancer as we know it。
AmCham 2024 Cancer Summit: Blueprint for a Comprehensive Cancer Drug Fund
Date: July 15th, 2024
Time: 13:00 – 17:00
Venue: 3F Grand Ballroom A+B, Regent Hotel Taipei
Organizers: American Institute in Taiwan, AmCham Taiwan
Event Overview:
Organized by The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (AmCham Taiwan) and American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the 2024 Cancer Summit aims to create a platform that improves cancer treatment and care for patients and their families in Taiwan, with a focus on innovation, collaboration, and concrete action.
Drawing inspiration from the visionary Cancer Moonshot initiatives spearheaded by the United States, we envision a future where Taiwan stands at the forefront of cancer research and care. As we embark on this collaboration journey. It is imperative to forge partnerships with global leaders like the United States, paving the way for transformative breakthroughs and tangible progress in the fight against cancer.
At the heart of this summit lies President Lai’s promise to reshape the landscape of cancer treatment in Taiwan. With a pledge to reduce the cancer death rate by a third, President Lai has committed NT$10 billion towards groundbreaking drugs and advanced treatments, signaling a transformative shift in the fight against cancer.
Central to our discussions will be a more comprehensive Cancer Drug Fund (CDF), detailing its funding mechanisms, scope, timeline, and execution guidelines. By providing clear and actionable strategies, the CDF aims to empower the industry to drive innovation and accessibility in cancer care. Moreover, we will explore the crucial role of early detection and screening in shifting cancer stages and improving survival rates. By leveraging international benchmarks and setting clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Taiwan aims to align itself with high-developed countries, ensuring global standards in cancer care.
Please join us as we unite government officials, experts, scholars, patient groups, and stakeholders from across the globe to chart a path toward a future where cancer is no longer a devastating reality, but a conquerable challenge. Together, we can turn the tide against cancer, usher in a new era of hope, and end cancer as we know it.
(The forum will be held in Chinese, with simultaneous interpretation services provided between Chinese and English)
Tentative Agenda:
*Registration operates on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure your seat, payment must be completed by 12 pm on July 10.
Contact Person: Eric Hsu (02) 2718-8226 ext. 625/ [email protected]
*This event is reserved for AmCham members and AmCham companies only.
If you are a non-member and interested in attending this event, please contact our Membership Department:
Lucy Liu (02) 2718-8226 ext. 311/ [email protected]
*Ticket Refund Policy: To cancel without penalty, written cancellation must be received by AmCham before 12 pm on July 10th (Wednesday), or else the full price of the event will be charged. Thank you for your understanding.