AmCham Advanced Learning Lab Seminar
How is most medical information shared? Usually as pages of text and tables. The problem is that reading information as text and tables takes time—and healthcare practitioners have very little time.
So, what’s the best way to make sure that the decision-makers you want to inform, persuade, and influence can quickly and easily get the message you want them to receive? One way to do it is by creating visual summaries. And that’s what this seminar will show you how to do.
Using real cases, you will learn to create infographics of medical information that highlight key data, are quick to read, and easy to understand.
Seminar Outline
1. How to select the key information and data for your audience
2. How to structure the information narrative on a page
3. How to select icons, illustrations, and charts for your infographic
4. How to use typography and design elements to highlight the key information
About the Speaker
Katia Santome
Katia Santome, an expert in information design and data visualization, has spent the last thirteen years helping pharmaceutical companies and physicians visualize their ideas, information, and data. Some of Ms Santome’s engagements include physicians at National Taiwan University Hospital and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, and members of the brand, medical, and business management in pharmaceutical multinationals in Asia Pacific and Europe.
This seminar is on a first-come-first-served basis, with a maximum of 30 persons. The maximum number of registrants per company is 3. If you wish to register more than 3 participants, please contact the AmCham office.
Contact Person: Molly Tam (02) 2718-8226 ext. 311 / [email protected]
*Ticket Refund Policy: To cancel without penalty, written cancellation must be received by AmCham Molly Tan before 12 pm on November 10th (Friday), or else the full price of the event will be charged. Thank you for your understanding.