AmCham Public Health Committee Forum
*This event will be conducted in Mandarin, interpretation will be provided during the forum.
Topic: Innovative solutions to build Taiwan as Center of Excellence of Liver Health Management in Asia
Liver health has long been one of the primary healthcare issues in Taiwan. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, about 13,000 people died in 2017 due to chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Cirrhosis or chronic liver disease ranks as the 10th leading cause of death in Taiwan. Liver cancer is the second leading cancer in terms of mortality. The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Hepatitis B virus (HBV) are the key risk factors for chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.
Taiwan has an outstanding achievement on liver health management and does have the capability and opportunity to become the “Liver Health Management Center of Excellence in Asia.” AmCham member companies look forward to exploring innovative ways to work with the government to strengthen Taiwan’s position in this vital area. The United States is a global leader in medical innovation and Taiwan has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. As Taiwan continues to innovate to maintain its leadership position in liver disease management, the United States will continue to be Taiwan’s leading partner.
The Liver Health Management Forum Phase II will continue to be a platform for discussion from Phase I (held on October 3, 2018) providing recommendations and collaborative opportunities for the Taiwan government, academia and AmCham member companies working together toward to the goal.
論壇議程 (Draft Agenda):
8:30 – 9:00 | 來賓報到及早餐 |
9:00 – 9:20 | 開幕致詞
台灣的肝病健康防治政策 副總統陳建仁 |
AIT美國在台協會谷立言代理處長 | |
9:20 – 9:30 | 台灣的肝病防治成就
衛生福利部陳時中部長 |
9:30 – 10:00 | 主題一:迎向台灣消滅C型肝炎目標
台灣消滅C型肝炎目標 中央研究院陳定信院士 |
C 型肝炎旗艦計畫辦公室主任蒲若芳教授 |
彰化縣衛生局葉彥伯局長 |
10:00– 10:20 | [座談會] 台灣要如何在2025年前消滅C型肝炎(超越世界衛生組織目標)?
主持人: 艾伯維藥品總經理魏瑞瑪 與談人: 國民健康署王英偉署長 林口長庚醫院副院長簡榮南教授 C 型肝炎旗艦計畫辦公主任蒲若芳 吉立亞醫藥總經理彭國書 |
10:20 – 10:50 | 茶敘與交流 |
10:50 – 11:10 | 主題二:以成功為基礎:優化台灣的慢性B型肝炎管理B型肝炎健保政策之演進
健康保險署李伯璋署長 |
台灣肝臟研究學會會長高嘉宏教授 |
11:10– 11:30 | [座談會] 如何優化台灣慢性B型肝炎管理進而達到降低肝硬化及肝癌風險的終極目標?
主持人: 吉立亞醫藥總經理彭國書 與談人: 醫療財團法人好心肝基金會總執行長 楊培銘教授 台灣肝臟研究學會會長 高嘉宏教授 健保署署長李伯璋 必治妥施貴寶總經理洪旭昇 |
11:30– 11:50 | 主題三:肝細胞癌治療和國際準則接軌
台北榮民總醫院黃怡翔教授 |
11:50– 12:10 | [座談會] 如何讓病患更快獲得創新性肝細胞癌治療選擇方案?
主持人: 必治妥施貴寶總經理洪旭昇 與談人: 健保署署長李伯璋 台北榮民總醫院黃怡翔教授 肝癌醫學會理事長林錫銘理事長 默沙東藥廠市場准入與對外事務處胡馨云處長 |
12:10– 12:15 | 總結與閉幕致詞
台北市美國商會執行長傅維廉 |
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Contact Person: Mia Shih (02) 2718-8226 ext. 311 / [email protected]