AmCham Taiwan joins Asia-Pacific regional delegation to DC
AmCham Taiwan Joins AmChams of Asia-Pacific Delegation to Meet with Biden Administration and Congressional Leaders
WASHINGTON, DC AND TAIPEI: The AmChams of Asia Pacific (“AAP”), the umbrella organization of American Chambers of Commerce (“AmChams”) that promotes trade and investment between the Asia-Pacific region and the United States, will lead the first post-COVID regional business delegation to Washington, DC, from July 18-20, 2022.
AAP’s delegation supports U.S. efforts to meet governments on shared interests, such as addressing the climate crisis, health and COVID-19 support, disaster preparedness, maritime security, technology innovations, and investment in green energy.
The members welcome the U.S.’ leadership role in the region, including through the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), the Global Partnership for Infrastructure and Investment, and through bilateral initiatives such as the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and the Technology Trade & Investment Collaboration (TTIC) framework.
“Living and working in the Asia Pacific, we witness the regional trade and investment dynamic evolving significantly, and new rules must be written with the U.S. at the table,” said Steven Okun, Chair of AAP and Senior Advisor for McLarty Associates.
While AmCham Taiwan believes that Taiwan merited inclusion within the initial configuration of IPEF, the most important element for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is to have the U.S. firmly and formally tethered to a broad array of Indo-Pacific partners.
“The June 2022 launch of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade provides an opportunity to make quantum advances in bilateral trade and integration, while also advancing the course for progress on digital trade under the IPEF, Taiwan’s incorporation into the Framework, and the U.S.’ return to global trade liberalization leadership through a future U.S.-Taiwan Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) and multilateral accords such as the CPTPP,” noted Andrew Wylegala, President of AmCham Taiwan.
A core topic to be discussed includes the energy sector, a priority area both to promote energy security and the transition to greener energy to combat the climate crisis, ensure decarbonization, and promote regional stability.
The delegation calls for entering into a comprehensive digital agreement with as many parties as possible, ideally as an “early harvest” to be achieved by the time the United States hosts APEC in 2023.
Delegation AmCham representatives are from: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam and include global corporates, SMEs, and AmCham leaders.
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台灣美國商會加入亞太區美國商會「華府叩門之旅」 拜會華府與國會議員
(2022 年 7 月 18 日)亞太區美國商會(AmChams of Asia Pacific, AAP)是美國商會(American Chambers of Commerce)的合作夥伴,旨在促進亞太地區與美國間的貿易與投資合作。台灣美國商會宣布將加入亞太區美國商會「華府叩門之旅」,於 7 月 18 日至 20 日共同前往華盛頓特區拜會多位美國政要與參眾議員,此為後疫情時代首度出行。
亞太區美國商會代表團感謝美國積極與各國政府會面,就共同利益進行交流與討論,例如應對氣候變遷危機、公共衛生與新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情、防災策略、海上安全、科技創新與再生能源投資。代表團成員歡迎美國在亞太地區主導的多項倡議,包含啟動「印太經濟框架」(Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, IPEF)與「全球基礎建設與投資夥伴關係計畫」(Global Partnership for Infrastructure and Investment),以及多項雙邊貿易對話,諸如透過「台美21世紀貿易倡議」(U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade)與「台美科技貿易暨投資合作架構」(Technology Trade and Investment Collaboration Framework,TTIC)加強台美雙邊關係等。
亞太區美國商會主席暨 McLarty Associates 資深顧問 Steven Okun 表示:「在亞太地區生活和工作,讓我們見證區域貿易及投資動態的顯著變化,我們必須與美國共同制定新規則。」
台灣美國商會執行長魏立安(Andrew Wylegala)表示:「今年 6 月啟動的台美 21 世紀貿易倡議為雙邊經貿合作與整合創造極大優勢,也同步推動多項國際合作與經貿發展,包含印太經濟框架下的數位貿易發展、台灣加入印太經濟框架,以及美國透過未來的台美雙邊貿易協定(U.S.- Taiwan Bilateral Trade Agreement)與多邊協議,例如跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定(Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, CPTPP),重返全球自由貿易的領導地位。
代表團呼籲各方應盡可能達成全面性的數位協定,期望在 2023 年美國主辦亞太經濟合作會議(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)前,能有實質進展。
媒體聯絡人 | |
楊沐萱 Vivian Yang
政府及公共事務部 專案管理 +886-2-2718-8226 Ext. 234 |
關俐麗 Lily Kuan
政府及公共事務代理總監 +886-2-2718-8226 Ext. 627 |