AmCham 2025 Business Climate Survey: Strategic Resilience for 2025 and Beyond
TAIPEI, Taiwan – The American Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (AmCham Taiwan) has released the results of its 2025 Business Climate Survey, revealing strong member confidence in Taiwan’s economic future and their companies’ growth prospects.
2025 Business Climate Survey Report highlights:
- Members are committed to the market – 90% say they plan to maintain or increase investment in Taiwan this year, driven by strategic initiatives in digital transformation and innovation.
- Satisfaction with the regulatory environment remains mixed – while progress is noted, 37% of respondents cite inconsistent interpretation of Taiwan’s laws and regulations as a challenge.
- Focus on sustainability is substantial across industries. Around 57% of companies reported formally committing to net-zero emissions or 100% renewable energy usage. However, 78% of survey takers express concern about the availability of green energy.
- Human capital remains a priority, with 55% planning staff expansion and development in 2025. While 78% are satisfied with talent recruitment, members urge the government to prioritize talent retention to enhance international competitiveness in response to shifting demographics.
- Members appreciate Taiwan’s safety and stability but highlight concerns with road safety, banking systems, wage levels, and regulations that fail to align with economic needs.
The survey, conducted between November and December 2024, revealed that 80% of respondents are confident in Taiwan’s economic outlook over the coming year, while 77% were positive about the economic outlook for the next three years. More than 82% were optimistic about their company’s revenue growth prospects in the coming year, and 84% expressed confidence over the next three years.
The survey reinforces AmCham’s longstanding position that faster regulatory reform and deeper international engagement are critical for Taiwan’s resilience and prosperity. Around a fifth of respondents identified government efficiency and transparency as the most important areas for improvement of Taiwan’s business climate. Additionally, 35% said that rulemaking does not conform to international best practices.
A majority of members (74%) consider a bilateral trade agreement with the United States – Taiwan’s second-largest trading partner – critical to their business success. Similarly, 71% regard an agreement on double taxation avoidance as essential. As the United States and Taiwan continue negotiations on a comprehensive agreement to address double taxation, AmCham urges swift action to resolve this issue.
Members are highly supportive of signing a second agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade. They view the chapter on good regulatory practices, included in the first agreement, as the most important for their business. AmCham calls on Taiwan’s authorities to make concerted efforts to reduce bureaucracy and streamline regulations.
Although national security and cross-Strait relations were considered important concerns, the majority of survey participants report that increased tensions across the Taiwan Strait in 2024 did not significantly disrupt their business operations. However, 40% of companies are revising their business continuity plans to address the current geopolitical climate, and 17% have increased their investments in Taiwan, reflecting a rise of 8 percentage points from last year.
Around 78% of respondents remain concerned about the availability of green energy. A majority (52%) have called for energy sufficiency to be a top priority for the government in the coming year – an increase of 13 percentage points from last year. An even higher 82% are concerned about Taiwan’s future energy supply.
The 2025 Business Climate Survey underscores the theme of strategic resilience, reflecting the adaptability and forward-thinking mindset of member companies operating in Taiwan. By navigating global challenges such as geopolitical tensions, energy sufficiency, and regulatory reform, businesses have demonstrated a robust commitment to sustaining growth, innovation, and competitiveness. Members are actively enhancing business continuity plans, investing in digital transformation, and advocating for stronger international partnerships to ensure long-term stability and prosperity in an ever-evolving landscape.
The 2024 Business Climate Survey was distributed to 423 eligible member executives, of whom 212 – or around 50% – completed it. The annual survey informs the Chamber’s advocacy agenda for the coming year and serves as a resource for the Taiwan and U.S. governments and others interested in U.S.-Taiwan economic relations.
To download the full report, visit
For more information, please contact:
Julia Bergström (EN)
Director of Publications & Communications
02-27188226 ext. 632
[email protected]
Christine Huang (CH)
Communications Manager
02-27188226 ext. 313
[email protected]
台灣美國商會2025年商業景氣調查:2025 年後的韌性戰略
- 會員對台灣市場的承諾:90% 的受訪者表示,因為數位轉型和創新等策略舉措的推動,他們計劃維持或增加今年在台灣的投資。
- 對於法規環境的滿意度參半:雖然有些進展,但 37% 的受訪者認為台灣法律和法規的解讀不一致仍是一大挑戰。
- 產業對永續發展的關注:約 57% 的公司已承諾實現淨零排放或100% 使用再生能源。然而,78% 的受訪者對綠能的供應表示擔憂。
- 人力資本依舊是重點:55% 的企業計劃在 2025 年擴大團隊或員工培育。雖然 78% 對人才招募感到滿意,但會員呼籲政府優先考慮人才留任,以因應人口結構變化並增強國際競爭力。
- 會員肯定台灣的安全與穩定,但對於道路安全、銀行系統以及與經濟需求不符的法規表示關切。
該調查於 2024 年 11 月至 12 月進行,結果顯示 80% 的受訪者對未來一年的台灣經濟展望表示信心,77% 對未來三年經濟展望持正面態度。超過 82% 對公司來年的營收成長持樂觀態度,84% 則對未來三年的成長表現信心。
調查強調了商會的一貫立場:加速法規改革與深化國際合作對於台灣的韌性和繁榮至關重要。大約五分之一的受訪者認為政府效率與透明度是改善台灣商業環境最重要的領域。另外則有 35% 的受訪者認為台灣的法規制定尚未符合國際最佳實踐。
大多數會員(74%)認為,台灣與第二大貿易夥伴美國簽署雙邊貿易協定對其業務發展具有關鍵性影響;同樣的,71% 認為雙重課稅協議為必要。隨著美國與台灣就雙重課稅協定進行談判,美國商會敦促台美雙方政府採取行動以解決此問題。
儘管國家安全與兩岸關係是重要的關注點,但大多數受訪者表示,2024 年台海局勢緊張加劇並沒有給他們帶來重大影響。然而,40% 的公司正在修訂其持續性營運計劃,以應對當前的地緣政治局勢,其中有 17% 增加對台灣的投資,比去年增加了 8 個百分點。
約 78% 的受訪者仍然關注綠能供應問題。多數受訪者(52%)呼籲政府在未來一年將能源充足性作為首要任務,這比去年上升了 13 個百分點,甚至有 82% 對台灣未來的能源供應表示擔憂。
2025 年商業景氣調查彰顯了戰略韌性的主題,展現了在台灣經營的會員公司的適應力與前瞻性。面對全球挑戰,如地緣政治緊張局勢、能源的充足性與法規改革,企業對持續成長、創新與競爭力的展現堅定承諾,積極強化持續性營運計劃,投資於數位轉型,並倡導加強國際夥伴關係,以確保在不斷變化的環境中實現長期穩定與繁榮。
2025 年商業環境調查對象為 423 位符合條件並擔任高階管理職的商會成員,其中有 212 位(約 50%)完成調查。這項年度調查為商會的未來倡議提供洞見,並為台灣和美國政府以及其他對美台經濟關係感興趣的人提供資訊與觀點。
Julia Bergström 尤麗雅 (英文)
[email protected]
02-2718-8226 ext. 632
黃冠臻 (中文)
[email protected]
02-2718-8226 ext. 313