AmCham Taiwan Commends Upcoming Negotiations on Double Taxation Avoidance
TAIPEI, Taiwan – The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (AmCham Taiwan) warmly welcomes the ongoing negotiations on a comprehensive agreement to address U.S.-Taiwan double taxation issues.
The Department of the Treasury has stated its intention to build on existing efforts by Congress to address double taxation between the United States and Taiwan. It also stated its commitment to collaborating with Congress throughout the negotiation process, aiming to finalize and implement the agreement through amendments to the Internal Revenue Code. The tax treaty, modeled on the U.S. Model Income Tax Convention, will cover critical areas such as reducing withholding taxes on dividends, interest, and royalties, and addressing cross-border worker taxation.
Reaching agreement on double taxation avoidance has been a longstanding advocacy issue of AmCham Taiwan. In its 2024 Taiwan White Paper, AmCham requested speedy action on the matter, “considering the benefits that both economies would derive from this legislation, as well as the symbolic value its passage would represent for U.S.-Taiwan relations.”
In June this year, AmCham issued a joint letter with the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council to the U.S. senate committees on finance and foreign relations, urging the commencement of advanced negotiations between the United States and Taiwan.
“An agreement between the United States and Taiwan for the avoidance of double taxation has been a key topic for the Chamber and our members for many years,” said AmCham Taiwan President Patrick P. Lin. “We are encouraged to see these negotiations starting and the potential unlocking of investments that will spur innovation and growth.” Inclusion of provisions on double taxation avoidance in key legislative packages, such as the defense appropriations and continuing resolution bills, could support a streamlined process toward final implementation.
AmCham looks forward to a swift negotiation process and prompt legislative action in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to approve and implement a final agreement, ensuring it fulfills its goals through the Internal Revenue Code and that the legal language aligns with the needs identified during negotiations.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Celine Fahn
Director of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext. 315
[email protected]
Fernando Chen
Senior Manager of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext. 213
[email protected]
美國財政部表示,將在國會現有的基礎上,致力解決美台之間的雙重課稅問題,並承諾在整個談判過程中與國會密切合作,通過修改《國內稅收法典》(Internal Revenue Code)實施該協議。該稅務協議將以《美國所得範本公約》為基準,涵蓋的重要領域包括降低股息、利息及特許權使用費的預扣稅,以及解決跨境工作者的稅收問題。
台灣美國商會與美台商業協會(U.S.-Taiwan Business Council)於2024年六月聯合向美國參議院財政委員會及外交委員會發出信函,敦促美台兩國開啟深入的雙邊談判。
「達成避免美台雙重課稅協議長期以來都是本會及會員的關注重點,」台灣美國商會執行長林博智(Patrick P. Lin)表示。「我們對於此次談判的啟動深感鼓舞,並期待這將促進創新與經濟成長的投資。」
美國商會期待談判快速推進,美國參眾兩院能夠迅速採取立法行動,批准並落實最終協議,確保其目標能通過《國內稅收法典》 得以實現,並確保法律語言符合談判過程中確立的需求。
范家瑋 政府暨公共事務部 總監
[email protected] / 02-27188226#315
陳慶維 政府暨公共事務部資深經理
[email protected]/ 02-27188226 #213