AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
Committee Events & Luncheons
The international investment climate is evolving rapidly, demanding a more efficient, user-friendly, and competitive tax environment that enhances Taiwan’s attractiveness for business. We appreciate the government’s continuous efforts to improve Taiwan’s tax environment. To further support this objective, the Committee urges the government to eliminate the tax on undistributed profits and allow a 10-year statutory period for tax refunds under tax-treaty regulations.
Additionally, we recommend revising the calculation method used for determining the indirect transfer of shares in companies that own real estate, ensuring adherence to the principles of equality and legal certainty. We also advocate for more adaptable and reasonable customs regulations to mitigate uncertainties in international trade.
Suggestion 1: Ensure that relevant regulations regarding the allowable period for tax refunds are consistent with the Tax Collection Act.
Since 2013, statutory periods for tax refund applications under various tax regulations have been extended from 5 to 10 years to align with Article 131 of the Administrative Procedure Act. In 2021, Article 28 of the Tax Collection Act was amended to extend the period within which taxpayers can apply for a refund of overpaid taxes to 10 years from the payment date. In response to the public’s request, similar amendments were made in 2023 to the guidelines for Article 25 of the Income Tax Act concerning foreign profit-seeking enterprises, as well as to Article 15 of the “Guidelines for the Determination of Income from Sources in the Republic of China in Accordance with Article 8 of the Income Tax Act.”
However, the period for applying for a tax refund under Article 34 of the “Regulations Governing the Application of Agreements for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income” remains at five years. These regulations contradict Article 131 of the Administrative Procedure Act and may lead to disputes and create confusion for taxpayers. The Committee recommends amending the statutory period to apply for a tax refund under Article 34 to 10 years to ensure consistency, protect taxpayers’ rights, reduce disputes, and enhance overall efficiency.
Suggestion 2: Abolish the undistributed earnings tax to encourage further investments.
Since 1998, Taiwan has imposed undistributed earnings tax (UET) on current-year earnings to encourage shareholder profit distribution among companies. This regime erects commercial barriers for corporations looking to reinvest their earnings. The Committee acknowledges that the UET rate was reduced from 10% to 5% in 2018, and that the government offers tax relief for substantial investments or improvements in production technology and service or product quality under Article 23-3 of the Statute for Industrial Innovation. However, the current UET scheme continues to pose unnecessary hurdles for businesses. We note the following specific issues:
Suggestion 3: Amend the formula for determining the status of real-property-rich companies in the tax reform of the individual house and land transactions income tax.
According to Article 6 of the “Directions for Filing the Income Tax on the Consolidated Income from House and Land Transactions,” a company is classified as real-property rich if 50% or more of its share or share capital value is derived from real property located in Taiwan. The denominator in the formula is the net asset value (NAV) of the shares/share capital of the company, and the numerator is the fair market value of the real property.
This formula creates certain distortions that may seriously impact many MNCs’ internal reorganization and M&A activities across industries. We strongly urge the government to expedite review of this formula to ensure the protection of normal business transactions and prevent stagnation in overall economic activity. We urge the following changes:
Suggestion 4: Align documentation requirements for import/export declaration correction applications with international standards.
Under Articles 2 and 10 of the Regulations Governing the Correction of Import and Export Forms, as well as the Import/Export Declaration Correction Scenarios and Review Table (the Table), importers and exporters are permitted to submit applications to correct inaccuracies in their import/export declarations. Notably, for corrections related to transaction values (such as unit price, customs value, and free on board price) the regulations mandate provision of the external bank remittance slip associated with the transaction.
While the Table offers some flexibility regarding the types of supporting documentation acceptable for verifying the correctness of declared values, it falls short in cases where no physical cash flows or bank transfers have occurred. Applicants who cannot provide an external bank remittance slip face significant difficulties, as there are no clear alternative regulations to guide the review of their applications. This requirement is particularly impractical for MNCs that handle large volumes of transactions, where receivables are often offset against payables without involving external banks. This method of offsetting not only boosts efficiency but is also customary practice among such businesses.
Furthermore, the documentation requirement is out of step with international standards practiced by entities such as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, where bank remittance slips are not required for declaration corrections. This misalignment underscores the need for Taiwan Customs to reevaluate and harmonize its documentation requirements with global standards.
To address this oversight, we recommend that the Table be amended to explicitly include records or accounting entries that show either 1) the offset between receivables and payables, or 2) the settlement of the transaction. Such an amendment would provide clarity and better support the realities of modern business transactions, ensuring that companies are able to comply efficiently with customs requirements without unnecessary hindrances.
國際稅務界在界定一家公司是否為不動產高佔比公司時,一般採用公司之總資產價值進行評估。根據2017年經濟合作暨發展組織所得與資本稅約範本(2017 OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital, 2017 OECD MC)第13.4條,如果股份於轉讓前365天內之任何時間,有超過50%之價值直接或間接源自不動產,則其被定義為不動產高佔比股份。這種分類亦適用於合夥企業或信託權益,如其至少50%的財產價值係以類似之方式取得。
此外,2017 OECD MC第13條註釋28.4進一步指出,決定股份或可比較權益是否達到此門檻,通常會將不動產之價值與公司或實體所有之總資產價值比較,但不考慮債務或其他負債(無論是否以相關不動產抵押擔保)。