2024 Taiwan White Paper
Future-Proofing Taiwan
With each new administration comes a fresh opportunity to evaluate and enhance existing programs, highlighting successes and addressing areas in need of improvement. Taiwan’s adept handling of the pandemic and its semiconductor prowess have drawn international attention, setting the stage for Taiwan to further elevate its business identity and turn itself into an irresistible choice for global partnerships.
Now ranked as one of the world’s richest countries in terms of financial assets, Taiwan stands at the threshold of a transformative era. The time calls for bold vision over incremental changes, leveraging technological and political achievements to spur rapid economic growth, expand global influence, and greatly enhance quality of life. The challenge of a rapidly aging population further underscores the urgent need for innovative governance and comprehensive planning to effectively navigate the complexities of the future.
Unfortunately, progress in transforming the business environment has not been aligned with a sense of urgency in recent years. Of the 95 issues brought up in the 2023 edition of the White Paper, only 5 are considered fully resolved by the Chamber’s committees. Additionally, more than a quarter of the issues from the previous year have either stalled or been dropped. While these outcomes are disappointing, the Chamber finds encouragement in the 25 issues that are making good progress and looks forward to more decisive actions on these and new suggestions in the coming year.
For Taiwan to capitalize on its momentum, it is crucial to implement the specific, actionable recommendations from AmCham’s industry committees on refining Taiwan’s business environment. Addressing outstanding issues and making notable progress will signal decisively to the international business community that Taiwan is a prime partner for trade and investment, committed to continuously advancing its economic landscape.
The most important step Taiwan must take to cement its position on the global stage is aligning itself with international standards. The progressing talks and first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade serve as a reminder of the importance for Taiwan to harmonize its regulatory framework with those of major economies, ensuring that its trade practices and commercial environment are conducive to international business.
A well-regulated market attracts foreign direct investment. Investors are more likely to allocate resources to environments where regulatory frameworks are transparent, predictable, and aligned with international standards. AmCham committees highlight several Taiwan- specific policies that introduce unnecessary challenges for multinational companies operating across multiple markets.
This year’s suggestions regarding harmonization include aligning Taiwan’s financial regulations with global standards to attract foreign investments, matching Taiwan’s investment environment with international norms, upgrading registration frameworks of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices to achieve international uniformity, and adopting principles-based supervision methods to enhance transparency and regulatory processes.
Providing adequate public notice regarding proposed new or revised regulations to relevant stakeholders, along with offering a platform for them to submit comments for the regulator’s consideration, is a cornerstone of good regulatory practices (GRP). Public disclosure and ample consultation time are needed to preserve the integrity and accountability of the governance framework. Naturally, such notice and comment periods must also be supported by meaningful communication with stakeholders as implementation details are formulated. Faithful adherence to this practice benefits businesses, regulators, and the public by helping to ensure that the final proposals are both sound and effective.
Taiwan’s 60-day notice and comment period, initiated in 2016 at the urging of AmCham, has fallen short of expectations. As consistently reported by our members and reflected in various committee papers in this volume, many regulations are being implemented without adequate public notice and, in some cases, without any notice whatsoever. One reason for this shortfall is that the executive orders pertaining to notice and comment requirements, as currently written, specifically refer to regulations affecting international trade, investment, or intellectual property. This provision is frequently interpreted too narrowly. In reality, many regulations thought to affect only domestic commerce also impact international trade and investment.
Another loophole allows regulations to bypass the 60-day rule in cases deemed “emergencies.” A liberal interpretation of this exemption has opened up for potential abuse. AmCham continues to call for stricter oversight of the notice and comment process, the elimination of the “trade, investment, or intellectual property-related” exception, and the publication of a clear definition of what truly constitutes an emergency.
Strict adherence to the 60-day public consultation rule for all draft regulations, provision of bilingual versions of drafts at the beginning of the consultation period, and the development of comprehensive checklists and proposal templates for government agencies would ensure an open, fair, and meaningful policy deliberation process, bettering stakeholder trust and cooperation. The Chamber has brought its concerns to the attention of the National Development Council before, emphasizing the importance of ensuring proper implementation of an established procedure for GRP.
Unlike the United States, most bills in Taiwan originate in the executive branch. As some of our committees point out this year, applying the 60-day rule to new legislation during the drafting stage within the Executive Yuan would greatly increase the soundness of Taiwan’s regulatory environment. Similarly, including AmCham members and international companies in dialogues with the government during the drafting of new regulations is crucial for fostering mutual understanding and making certain that industry expertise is integrated into decision-making processes. Regular and structured meetings between government bodies and these stakeholders not only offer mutual comprehension but also strengthen collaborative efforts toward achieving shared objectives.
This participation is essential as it allows for leveraging international practices, enriching discussions, and leading to more informed and effective policymaking. The active engagement of these companies in regulatory processes also helps align Taiwan’s standards with international norms, thereby improving the predictability and stability of the business environment and making Taiwan an even more attractive destination for foreign investment.
Future-proofing Taiwan necessitates swift action to fortify its resilience across several critical areas:
Critical infrastructure. To bolster its critical infrastructure, Taiwan can undertake a variety of strategic measures aimed at different sectors, such as energy, telecommunications, and transportation. Furthermore, power plants, water supply, telecommunications, transportation, medical institutions, bridges, and highways might be vulnerable in the event of natural disasters or other incidents.
Prioritizing investments in grid infrastructure upgrades and deploying smart grid technologies can forge a stable and enduring grid. Further, expanding the operational flexibility at the Port of Taichung to support the transportation of large wind turbine components beyond current restricted hours can significantly streamline the deployment of renewable energy projects.
The adoption of a cloud-first policy and the integration of multi-cloud data backup systems can optimize the security and reliability of critical digital infrastructure. This approach guarantees that data and applications remain available and secure, even in disruptions. Further, collaborating with industry in drafting cybersecurity policies can help keep pace with the rapid evolution of technology-related threats.
Establishing a cross-ministerial platform to facilitate more effective coordination and policymaking across various government levels can help seamlessly implement infrastructure projects. Such a platform would also enable more holistic approaches to resolving bureaucratic and regulatory challenges that may impede infrastructure development. Implementing these recommendations requires a collaborative effort between government, industry, and international partners, ensuring that Taiwan’s infrastructure systems are robust, flexible, and capable of supporting its long-term developmental goals.
Digital transformation. With its thriving tech ecosystem and engineering talent pool, Taiwan can strategically advance its position in emerging technologies by cultivating a conducive regulatory environment, innovation, and international collaboration. A balanced regulatory framework that mitigates risks without stifling innovation is paramount to this transformation. This approach requires the designation of a coordinating agency to provide a holistic approach to AI, encompassing various sectors and facilitating a coherent regulatory environment. It is essential to prevent over-regulation at the early stages of development and instead focus on high-risk AI applications, such as social scoring or biometric identification, ensuring that regulations are narrowly tailored to address specific, high-risk deployments. To support digital trade, Taiwan could implement safe harbor principles for digital intermediaries, protecting them from legal liability for third-party content, thereby safeguarding freedom of expression and innovation online. Doing so would also encourage digital platforms to operate within Taiwan’s jurisdiction, enhancing the digital trade ecosystem.
Effective use of GRP can act as a dynamic crowdsourcing tool that integrates diverse perspectives upfront. When public consultation is overlooked, Taiwan risks silencing its highly-educated and innovative populace, consequently hampering investment by perpetually lagging behind technological advancements. Collaborations between government and industry are vital in drafting cybersecurity policies and regulations. Such partnerships ensure that policies are comprehensive and effectively address the rapid evolution of technology. Taiwan should also engage in global norm-setting by participating in international forums and standard-setting organizations, which can help prevent fragmentation of regulations that could hinder the global operations of Taiwanese companies.
Energy. To fortify its energy resilience, Taiwan can accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources, particularly for high-demand sectors such as the semiconductor industry. Implementing a transparent electricity price review mechanism can provide predictability and stability, which are crucial for businesses to plan and invest confidently. Regular communication about rate changes and a mechanism that reflects the diverse conditions of different industries can help Taiwan maintain a cost- competitive environment conducive to foreign investment.
Adapting the regulatory framework to support the development of renewable energy is imperative. Further investment could be encouraged by reducing local content requirements, which currently add significant costs, and removing import tariffs on critical components to yield competitive pricing for green energy technologies. In the Chamber’s 2024 Business Climate Survey, 71% of respondents expressed concern about the availability of green energy in Taiwan, an indication that this issue spans all member industries.
Healthcare. Investment and regulatory reforms in the healthcare sector, particularly in the fields of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, are crucial to the societal and business environment in Taiwan. Both the government and industry have acknowledged that at 6.6% last year, the national healthcare expenditure as a percentage of GDP was far too low, particularly for a soon-to-be super-aged society. Moreover, Taiwan has opened the door to a surge of fast followers, who are rapidly altering clinical expectations regarding sources of supply and creating potential risks to the security of the healthcare sector.
A robust healthcare system, capable of delivering high-quality medical services, is pivotal in enhancing the life quality of citizens, reducing disease burden, and extending life expectancy. By creating a secure, timely, transparent, and fair approval process for new drugs and devices, Taiwan can make greater improvements in health quality outcomes and the supply of medicines.
As Taiwan looks to diversify its exports, harmonizing its healthcare regulations with international standards is integral to reducing trade barriers and expanding its participation in international trade related to pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Such alignment would help Taiwanese companies permeate foreign markets, increasing their growth opportunities.
Talent. Taiwan has the potential to strengthen its workforce by investing in domestic talent and actively encouraging the participation of foreign nationals and individuals with disabilities. To nurture and retain talent, Taiwan can leverage its educational institutions and corporate training programs to align skills with industry needs. Enhanced funding for STEM education, coupled with internships and apprenticeships in high-tech industries, can help prepare the workforce for future challenges. Moreover, lifelong learning programs and digital upskilling initiatives should be accessible for continuous professional development in an ever-evolving global economy.
Taiwan can also boost its attractiveness to foreign professionals through several key initiatives. These include streamlining visa processes and providing clear and accessible information about living and working in Taiwan through online platforms. Moreover, tax incentives and simplifying the tax reimbursement process, as suggested by making it fully electronic, could remove significant barriers that currently discourage long-term settlement.
For individuals with disabilities, creating inclusive workplaces is fundamental. Enhancing career counseling for individuals with disabilities and developing a national diversity dashboard can provide essential tools and data to support their integration and advancement in the workforce, leading to a more inclusive employment landscape.
Investing in a diverse and inclusive workforce is not just a social imperative but also an economic one. By tapping into the full potential of its human resources, Taiwan can drive innovation, fill skill gaps in critical sectors, and elevate its competitiveness on the global stage. Easing the integration process for foreign talent can lead to a more dynamic and diverse cultural and professional landscape, increasing creativity and productivity.
Officials in both Taiwan and the United States have described the current bi lateral relationship as the strongest in many years, including in the economic sphere. Several initiatives now underway are designed to make those connections even more robust. AmCham urges the Taiwan authorities to make every effort to enable early implementation of the following programs, each of which would make a valuable contribution to deepening bilateral ties:
The U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade. Agreement of the first five chapters of this framework was concluded last year, and negotiations are continuing on the remaining portions. Early completion of the entire package would spur the start of conversations on moving on to sign a full-fledged bilateral trade agreement.
Elimination of double taxation. Legislation to accomplish that objective on the U. S. side has been passed by the House of Representatives. Once the Senate follows suit, Taiwan needs to be prepared to proceed with reciprocal legislation.
Implementation of the Taiwan Fellowship Program. This program would enable selected American civil servants and other qualified individuals to spend two years in Taiwan for language training and practical experience. The U.S. Congress has already passed the necessary authorization and initial appropriation. A memorandum of understanding between the two sides is now being drafted to enable the plan to be put into action.
To increase communication and achieve improved mutual understanding, our committees are looking forward to continuous dialogue with the regulatory authorities in their sectors. Several of this year’s committee submissions include specific ideas for fostering public- private partnerships, and Chamber members stand ready to contribute their expertise for the betterment of Taiwan’s business environment.
Similarly, AmCham leadership seeks to schedule additional meetings with officials at the ministerial level and above to discuss cross-industry issues of concern. This collaboration will strengthen Taiwan’s capacity to address current and future challenges.
台灣正處於歷史上的關鍵時刻,擁有策略性增進國家韌性與經濟定位之良機。 今年適逢台灣新任政府上台,美國大選亦隨即展開,值此變動之際,台灣握有提升未來競爭力的空前機會,在全球局勢演變、科技日新月異、永續發展面臨挑戰的經貿環境下,美國商會亦期許新內閣藉此評估與強化既有政策、以過往政績借力使力並與國際規範接軌。拜防疫有成與半導體於國際市場有目共睹之賜,台灣廣受全球注目,亦躍升成為極具吸引力的國際夥伴。
台灣若要掌握轉型動能,落實美國商會各產業委員會的建議將成關鍵,這些旨在精進台灣的經商環境之建議具體可行。一旦解決延宕多時的議題,同時促進實質進展,全球企業界將可清楚看到台灣是貿易與投資的絕佳夥伴,而台灣 亦致力於持續提升經濟態勢。
若能採行雲端優先(cloud first)政策,並整合多雲端(multi-cloud)資料備份系統,可望提升關鍵數位基礎建設的安全性與可靠性,即使面臨干擾,亦可確保資料與應用程式持續可及且安全無虞。此外,與產業合作擬定網路安全政策,有助於因應快速變化的科技威脅。
台灣的國家醫療保健支出僅占國內生產毛額(GDP)的6%,產官界均認為比重過低,在台灣即將步入超高齡社會之際更顯不足。此外,台灣已向仿製產品( fast follower)廣開大門,這些企業正在迅速改變醫界對供給來源的預期,同時可能危及醫療保健產業的安全。
「 台美21世紀貿易倡議」 。該協議的前5項協定已於去年簽署完成,雙方目前持續針對其餘議題協商。若能及早簽署全數協議內容,可望使雙方進一步討論在未來簽署全面雙邊貿易協定之可能。
執行台灣學人計畫 (Taiwan Fellowship Program)。該計畫提供獎助金予美國聯邦政府公務員或符合資格的公民,讓其赴台接受兩年的語言培訓與累積實務經驗。美國國會已通過必要授權與初步撥款,美台雙方目前正在草擬備忘錄,促進該計畫的落實。