AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
Committee Events & Luncheons
Since the pandemic, the critical role of public health efforts in preventing diseases, promoting better health practices, and building resilient healthcare systems has become more evident than ever. Public health initiatives must rapidly address crises and enhance healthcare efficiency through informed policymaking, community health education, and disease prevention and control. The Committee remains steadfast in its commitment to advocate for policies and practices that achieve these essential goals.
The Committee extends its gratitude to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) for responding to our previous White Paper recommendations by actively planning a national chronic disease prevention and control program, amending the Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications to expand the availability of telemedicine, and supporting the development of digital healthcare. The focus of the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on disease prevention, particularly through the expanded pneumococcal vaccination program for individuals aged 65 and over, is also commendable.
We strongly call on the government to designate a central entity under the MOHW to take charge of the nation’s public health priorities, particularly considering emerging challenges related to low birth rates and a super-aged population. Moreover, the government should proactively take comprehensive measures to reinforce disease prevention and health promotion among all citizens, thereby reducing unnecessary medical expenditures and enhancing the nation’s economic productivity. Based on these considerations, the Committee presents the following suggestions:
Suggestion 1: Optimize chronic disease management and prevention with a patient-centered care model to improve health outcomes.
Taiwan is set to become a super-aged society next year, with at least 20% of the population aged 65 and above. This demographic shift, exacerbated by factors such as climate change, has naturally increased the prevalence of chronic diseases. According to the 2017 National Health Interview Survey, nearly 85% of the elderly population suffered from at least one chronic disease. Furthermore, the MOHW’s 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report states that approximately 60% of individuals aged 65 and above are afflicted with two or more chronic diseases.
In anticipation of the MOHW’s continued development of a national chronic disease prevention and control plan, the Committee urges swift government action to enhance overall disease prevention and control effectiveness through cross-ministerial cooperation covering areas such as health education and labor policies supporting health. To address the complexity of chronic disease management, we recommend that the government take the following measures:
1.1 Set specific control goals referencing international indicators. These goals should include managing primary factors such as blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, smoking, and obesity to prevent or delay the occurrence of chronic diseases. The government should refer to established plans like the U.S. Healthy People 2030 initiative, the UK NHS Long Term Plan, and Health Japan 21 for goal-setting inspiration. For instance, the United States has set a goal of ensuring that 55% of patients diagnosed with hyperlipidemia receive treatment by 2030. To avoid comorbidity risks, the U.S. government has set an additional target for 2030 to reduce the proportion of adults with undiagnosed prediabetes to 33.2% as a high-risk group for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Similarly, the United Kingdom has established a target to complete cardiovascular risk assessments for 75% of the population aged over 40 by 2029, with a corresponding increase in blood lipid treatment rates for individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease. The NHS Long Term Plan will also strengthen diabetes prevention through obesity reduction efforts.
1.2 Establish a patient-centered care model with enhanced tracking and follow-up management. We encourage the government to continue collaborating across sectors to promote screening and risk assessment, targeting specific high-risk groups. For example, to mitigate risks of health disease complications, heart disease screening rates for those over 65 should be increased and heart failure-case management programs expanded. The coverage rate under the Diabetes Shared Care Network should also be enhanced to over 60% with the total number of diabetes patients as a base.
In addition to screenings and risk assessment, we call on the government to optimize resource allocation by integrating health information across such data sources as adult health check-ups, health examinations, and National Health Insurance (NHI) databases, in addition to developing case management plans aligned with international treatment guidelines. Digital tools and reimbursement incentives should be utilized to support healthcare professionals in patient-centric tracking and case management, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare services. Moreover, public education, prevention awareness campaigns, and promotion of self-health management knowledge should be prioritized to encourage shared decision-making practices and holistic care, especially amid industry labor shortages.
Suggestion 2: Strengthen early disease detection and refine vaccination strategies for the elderly.
NHI statistics show that senior citizens account for 40.6% of the total medical expenditures in Taiwan, underscoring the critical need for efficacious disease prevention and intervention strategies. Given the rising life expectancy in Taiwan, it is imperative to prioritize the reduction of morbidity in later life stages to ensure the sustainability of the healthcare system.
2.1 Implement legislation for dementia prevention and care. Dementia poses a significant health risk to the elderly population, with statistics showing that the condition affects 1 in every 13 individuals in Taiwan over the age of 65. We suggest that the government look to examples such as Japan’s Dementia Basic Act and South Korea’s Dementia Management Act to establish an act for dementia management. The proposed act should similarly seek to clearly define the government’s responsibilities in supporting those with dementia and ensure that policies are regularly updated.
The establishment of a dedicated dementia policy promotion team within the Executive Yuan would facilitate comprehensive and integrated policy planning across various ministries and commissions, focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care of dementia.
The Committee acknowledges the MOHW’s efforts in formulating the Dementia Prevention and Care Policy and Action Plan 2.0 to establish a national dementia registration and monitoring system, encompassing the Dementia Care Service Management System and the Dementia Care Policy Control System. We look forward to the full implementation of this national dementia patient registry interface, which will aid the management of disease trends and allow for more timely policy adjustments.
In addition, the Committee calls on the government to actively strengthen early screening for dementia, including implementing screening programs, raising public awareness, and training medical professionals to identify early signs of cognitive decline and dementia, such as using cognitive testing and brain imaging. Taiwan should advance innovative diagnostic tools and interventions to improve outcomes for early-stage dementia, incorporating precision medicine approaches in diagnosing early Alzheimer’s disease by utilizing biomarkers to identify individuals at high risk and tailor treatment plans accordingly.
2.2 Streamline the preventive vaccination process for the elderly and increase annual completion rates. Leveraging the success of its childhood vaccination programs, the government should set and rigorously track annual improvement targets for vaccination rates for the elderly. We urge the CDC to reassess and simplify the multiple vaccination programs for seniors, ensuring that information is easily accessible and understandable to encourage participation.
In recent years, influenza vaccination rates among the elderly have remained at around 50%, significantly lower than in advanced countries such as Australia, South Korea, and the United States, where inoculation rates reach between 70% and 80%. Moreover, the Covid-19 XBB vaccine uptake in Taiwan was below 20% in 2023. Meanwhile, countries like South Korea and Japan have implemented robust policies for the co-administration of influenza and Covid-19 vaccines, achieving over 40% coverage. Taiwan must enhance vaccination rates among the elderly to reduce infection rates, disease severity, and preventable mortality rates.
Given the mobility challenges faced by many elderly, we recommend that the CDC encourage local health authorities to adhere to World Health Organization (WHO) influenza vaccine recommendations and promote co-administration of influenza and Covid-19 vaccines. The CDC should also promptly establish walk-in vaccination sites, aimed at enhancing accessibility and increasing vaccination rates.
Suggestion 3: Enhance cancer management through proactive strategies and become a leading force for cancer treatment in Asia.
Since the inception of Taiwan’s National Cancer Control Program in 2005, substantial advancements have been achieved in the realms of prevention, screening, diagnosis, and palliative care. Despite these efforts, there remains room for improvement in Taiwan’s cancer statistics.
In 2021, Taiwan reported a cancer diagnosis every four minutes. This standardized incidence rate of 306.5 per 100,000 individuals marked the first decline in nearly a decade. Nevertheless, the cancer incidence rate in Taiwan for 2022 was higher than that of Japan (267.1), South Korea (234.7), and Singapore (231.1). Although the standardized death rate due to cancer in Taiwan has shown a steady decline, the latest statistics from the MOHW in 2022 indicate a mortality rate of 116 per 100,000 people, exceeding that of Japan (78.6), South Korea (77), and Singapore (110.8).
3.1 Accelerate the allocation of the Cancer Drugs Fund and establish a national-level cancer office for effective prevention and control. While Taiwan’s national cancer prevention and control program emphasizes early prevention, the program lacks a comprehensive medical strategy, resulting in lower-than-expected effectiveness in decreasing cancer mortality rates. Lung cancer (the cancer with the highest global mortality rate) became Taiwan’s “triple champion” in terms of high mortality rate, incidence rate, and proportion of late-stage diagnosis in 2023. This development comes notwithstanding Taiwan’s status as the first country to provide low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening for heavy smokers and individuals with a family history of lung cancer.
Liver cancer, the second leading cause of cancer mortality, is notably linked to hepatitis B in approximately 70% of cases. To mitigate the incidence of liver cancer effectively, it is imperative to ensure that hepatitis B treatment protocols conform with international standards.
The Committee urges the government to swiftly implement the proposed NT$10 billion cancer drugs fund, enabling the introduction of innovative drugs in alignment with international standards to improve the outcomes for these patients. Moreover, we recommend that the government establish a dedicated office addressing high-incidence and high-mortality cancer types and consolidating resources across ministries and agencies.
3.2 Strengthen prevention by aligning vaccine and screening policies with international standards and enhancing the three-step, five-level public health strategy. In Taiwan, cervical cancer screening has relied on conventional Pap smears since 1995. To improve accuracy and efficiency, the Committee recommends incorporating human papillomavirus (HPV) testing and cytology (cell tissue examination from Pap smears or liquid-based cytology) in routine screening.
While efforts to control tobacco, alcohol, and betel nut usage have stabilized oral pharyngeal cancer rates, the incidence of HPV-related oral pharyngeal cancer has increased. The Committee recommends that Taiwan align itself with the nearly 60 WHO-member countries that include HPV vaccinations in routine publicly funded vaccination programs for both sexes.
Cases of breast cancer, which has the highest incidence rate among women, have doubled in the past 20 years. While Taiwan offers screening for women between the ages of 45 and 69, only 50% of eligible women undergo yearly screening. To increase screening rates and aid early detection, the government should consider adopting 3D mammography, which is more advanced, comfortable, and widely accepted than traditional mammography. This type of mammography is also recommended by the American Cancer Society.
3.3 Utilize quantifiable indicators for cancer control and regular reviews to close the cancer incidence and mortality rate gap between Taiwan and neighboring countries. To enhance cancer prevention and control, the government should implement definitive strategies and actions that directly address the substantial disparities in cancer incidence and mortality rates in comparison to Japan and South Korea. Regular monitoring, follow-up, and the provision of comprehensive improvement reports by government are crucial to expedite progress in achieving the vision of a healthy Taiwan.
Suggestion 4: Work collaboratively with domestic and global health industry partners to facilitate digital transformation, setting the paradigm for Asia.
Digital healthcare and healthcare transformation can help effectively address the uncertainty of novel infectious diseases, the impact of a rapidly aging population, and the challenges of managing chronic disease. The Committee appreciates the National Health Insurance Administration’s plan to empower patients and medical staff by removing healthcare limitations through its patient-centered digital program for medical equality. Building a digital healthcare network requires closer partnership with the healthcare industry, resource integration led by the MOHW, and incentives that encourage the utilization of digital health by society and care providers. To achieve the public interest objectives outlined in the proposed regulations governing health and welfare data management, we recommend that the government incorporate provisions into regulations that permit the private sector to request access to comprehensive, real-time health data. This approach would facilitate more effective data utilization in health and welfare initiatives, aligning with the overarching goals of the regulations.
4.1 Designate a dedicated agency under the MOHW to promote the application and development of digital health technology. The Committee recommends establishing a dedicated agency that plans digital medical policies, including budget and resource allocation, and harmonizes regulations related to digital health development. The agency should also assist with coordination and communication with relevant ministries under the Executive Yuan and establish a platform for further exchanges and cooperation among government, industry, and academia to ensure effective information disclosure and communication. The effective operation of such an agency would encourage domestic and international industry partners to participate in accelerating the development and implementation of digital health in Taiwan.
4.2 Concretize the digital health sandbox project by providing specific implementation timelines and other details. The Committee welcomes the government’s plan to establish a digital health sandbox, supported by multiple agency budgets, for testing potential digital health solutions. To ensure the sustainability of the digital healthcare industry, we suggest that the MOHW release a specific implementation timeline and other relevant details while stakeholders are informed of progress.
Suggestion 5: Adopt life-course immunization into national policies, enhance vaccine education and communication, and establish robust infection and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) pricing mechanisms.
Vaccine hesitancy and AMR have been identified by the WHO as 2 of the 10 most pressing threats to global health. Taiwan’s successful management of the Covid-19 pandemic should be sustained and extended to the management of AMR and all vaccine-preventable diseases. Gaps in funding, public awareness, and access must be bridged to fully realize the benefits of life-course immunization. We encourage the government to take bolder steps and make critical investments in cost-effective measures for future pandemic preparedness.
5.1 Integrate life-course immunization strategies. Immunization programs integrated into the broader health system can comprehensively address evolving health needs, optimize resource utilization, and improve health outcomes. We recommend that the MOHW and the CDC systematically review and update policies to promote life-course immunization. Efforts should include ensuring adequate budget allocation, integrating adult vaccination records, and implementing public education initiatives. Furthermore, we encourage the health authorities to adopt international best practices to fully maximize preventative benefits and ensure readiness for future pandemics.
5.2 Enhance communication channels for vaccine education. To elevate public awareness of vaccination effectiveness and combat vaccine hesitancy resulting from misinformation, it is crucial to enhance communication channels among government, industry, and the public.
We commend the CDC for its effective Covid-19 vaccination communication efforts and urge it to expand these actions to other vaccines while transparently disclosing vaccine information, including details on vaccine brands, manufacturers, and eligibility criteria. We also recommend that the CDC establish a dedicated webpage for vaccine information, mirroring practices in leading countries that facilitate access to accurate information. Additionally, we stress the importance of collaborating with educational departments to incorporate vaccine education into school curricula, strengthening students’ understanding of this critical public health measure.
Regular biannual exchanges between the authorities and industry on national immunization and vaccine education issues will further enhance comprehensive vaccine education programs. This collaboration will help Taiwan reach public health goals related to disease prevention through vaccination.
5.3 Encourage infection control and build a special pricing mechanism for antibiotics. Effective infection control requires sustained and continuous national investment. We appreciate the government’s allocation of NT$225 million in the 2024 NHI budget for the anti-infectives management and infection control quality enhancement plan, reflecting its recognition of clinical efforts in infection control.
To combat the threat of AMR, it is imperative that hospitals and physicians continue to provide clear incentives for infection control beyond one-year plans. Moreover, considering the low margins for antibiotics, the Committee calls for the government to offer price premiums for these drugs. If the clinical efficacy of new antibiotics demonstrates moderate or significant improvement, the price setting should be above the median price of A10 countries. In addition, the Committee urges the government to establish an independent pricing-adjustment mechanism for existing products to sustain antibiotic diversity. This measure would prevent the withdrawal of antibiotics from the market and help mitigate the threat of AMR.
本委員感謝衛生福利部回應我們之前的白皮書建議,積極規劃國家慢性病的預防與控制計畫、修訂《 通訊診察治療辦法》,及擴大遠距醫療適用場域以助於數位醫療的發展。而台灣疾病管制署對疾病預防的重視,特別是擴大肺炎鏈球菌的疫苗接種範圍至65歲以上族群亦值得讚許。
台灣預計將於明年邁入超高齡社會,屆時65歲以上人口約佔總數20%,慢性疾病的盛行率將隨人口結構的改變以及氣候變遷等因素加劇推升。2017年國民健康訪問調查顯示,將近85% 的高齡人口至少罹患一項慢性病,而根據衛生福利部2023年「衛生福利年報」,約有60%的65歲以上民眾患有兩種以上之慢性病。故本委員會對衛生福利部規劃中的「國家慢性疾病防治計畫」相當期待,希望政府能加快腳步,透過跨部會合作納入如健康教育及勞工健康政策等領域,以提升整體疾病防治效益。有鑑於慢性疾病防治管理之複雜性,委員會建議政府採納以下措施:
1.1 參考國際指標設立具體疾病防治目標
慢性疾病防治首重風險因子(如血壓、血糖、血脂、吸菸、肥胖)的管理,以進一步預防或延緩疾病的發生。我們建議政府參考國際作法設立針對風險因子的管理目標,例如美國Healthy People 2030、英國NHS Long Term Plan、及日本Health Japan 21。舉例來說,美國之目標為高血脂病人確實獲得治療的比例在2030年達到55%,另為降低共病風險,也設定達到2030年降低未知自己罹患糖尿病前期的成年人比例至33.2%的目標。
1.2 建立以病人為中心的照護機制並確實追蹤管理
建議二: 強化早期疾病檢測並優化高齡族群疫苗接種策略
2.1 設立「失智症防治照護專法」
2.2 簡化老年人預防性疫苗接種措施,提升年度接種完成率
3.1 加速百億癌症新藥基金的導入,並建立國家級癌症辦公室以有效落實癌症防治。
另外肝癌高居死亡率第二,其中70% 肝癌是B型肝炎所導致,為有效預防肝癌的發生,必須確保B肝的治療符合國際標準。
3.2 將疫苗和篩檢政策與國際標準接軌,精進三段五級公衛策略,以強化疾病預防 。
3.3 量化癌症防治指標並定期檢討,以缩小台灣與日韓之癌症發生率及死亡率的差距
4.1 於衛生福利部下設專責窗口,推動數位醫療技術應用與發展
4.2 針對數位醫療健保沙盒試辦計畫,提供具體推動時程與執行內容
5.1 整合推動全年齡疫苗接種策略
5.2 強化疫苗教育溝通管道
我們肯定疾病管制署在宣導Covid-19 疫苗方面的努力,也盼相同的疫苗教育推展至其他類別疫苗,同時透明揭露疫苗相關訊息,包括疫苗廠牌、製造商和接種條件等詳細內容。我們建議疾管署借鏡其他先進國家的做法,建置疫苗訊息專屬網頁,以利公眾能夠獲得正確的訊息。此外我們也強調與教育單位合作的重要性,將疫苗教育納入學校課程,以加強學生對此重要公共衛生措施的理解。
5.3 鼓勵感染管制,並建立抗生素獨立藥價調整機制