AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
Committee Events & Luncheons
The Committee appreciates the government’s effort and dedication in addressing our 2023 White Paper suggestions. The meetings arranged by the National Development Council (NDC) to discuss our suggestions have brought some positive developments.
We are also grateful for the amendments to regulations that increase the allowable investment ratio by insurance funds in private equity (PE) funds. We urge the government to continue to welcome investment from various international funds, promote Taiwan globally, and communicate Taiwan’s advantages as an investment destination to relevant stakeholders.
As mentioned in the 2023 White Paper, Taiwan is not only a financial market but also an essential base for manufacturing, supply chains, and innovation, with a unique function in the global economy. Notably, Taiwan plays a prominent role in the global semiconductor industry, and its performance in this sector has attracted international attention. Still, geopolitical concerns have caused some foreign investors to seek to exit the market. Consequently, Taiwan must continue improving its legal and regulatory environment and adopt a more aggressive strategy to attract and sustain foreign investment.
The government’s 5+2 Industry Innovation Plan identified seven sectors for priority investment: smart machinery, high tech, green energy, biomedicine, national defense and aerospace, innovative agriculture, and the circular economy. However, the main contributors to inbound foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2023 were the offshore wind and semiconductor sectors. Taiwan would benefit from greater diversity in inbound FDI. We urge the authorities to diversify investment sectors to boost inbound FDI. One way to achieve that would be to hold more seminars in Taiwan and in foreign markets aimed at global investors.
The Committee further suggests setting separate permissible investment ratios in PE funds by insurance funds and public funds, as well as giving greater attention to promoting and facilitating the formation and operation of domestic and international single-family and multi-family offices in Taiwan. In the spirit of continuing the positive collaboration we have enjoyed with the government, we offer the following suggestions for 2024:
Suggestion 1: Create a more favorable environment for FDI approvals, PE and merger and acquisition (M&A) deals, and divestments by PE and M&A sources.
Most foreign equity investments coming into Taiwan for operational purposes falls under the Statute for Investment by Foreign Nationals (SIFN) and requires prior approval from the Department of Investment Review (DIR), formerly the Investment Commission, under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. However, the SIFN does not take into account the dynamic development of global FDI that has occurred since its last amendment in 1997. Several articles in the SIFN also trigger concerns from a legal perspective, such as the DIR’s power to impose excessively severe penalties for compliance lapses.
While this suggestion was brought up in last year’s White Paper, no significant progress has been made. However, the Committee has been pleased to learn that the government is considering amending the SIFN to remove the prior approval requirement for the entry and exit of FDI cases involving less than US$1 million in investment. We urge the government to undertake further comprehensive amendments to the SIFN to create a more business-friendly and flexible FDI registration and reporting regime in line with standard global practice. Any concerns regarding national security, industry regulation, or money laundering activities could be managed separately by adopting various review processes.
Additionally, we suggest that approvals be granted on a project basis, allowing investors to proceed with the entire project under one umbrella approval rather than requiring separate approvals for each phase. Furthermore, we propose that the parent or regional company be designated as the FDI applicant. This arrangement would enable the foreign business group to secure approval in advance, providing them with the certainty needed to structure their investment vehicles effectively.
Besides easing the investment process, the Taiwan FDI regime must also facilitate efficient divestment. In past years, difficulties in divesting from cable companies and financial institutions have triggered concern among foreign PEs as to whether Taiwan is a free market for exit. Prospective investors who are unsure of their ability to eventually exit the market will be disinclined to enter it.
Promoting Taiwan to global investment markets is also essential to attract funds and their market intelligence to Taiwan. Such promotion could be carried out by holding seminars with international attendees and providing more information for reference on M&A transactions and their value. Currently, total FDI amounts based on DIR approvals are made public, but similar M&A statistics are not available. We suggest that the government establish an efficient statistical reporting system for M&A activities, including equity and asset acquisition. The registration process could be based on a notification rather than an approval system.
Suggestion 2: Expand permitted investment by insurance funds and public pension funds into foreign private equity funds.
According to the Regulations Governing Foreign Investments by Insurance Companies (the Regulations) authorized by Article 146-4, Paragraph 3 of the Insurance Act, insurance companies making foreign investments may invest in “private placement funds,” which include private equity, private debt, and real estate. The investment limit on such funds is calculated aggregately without drawing a distinction between private equity funds and private debt and real estate funds.
Article 8, Paragraph 3, Section 1 of the same Regulations limits investment by hedge funds and private placement funds to not more than 2% of their total assets in securities. In addition, the total investment in convertible bonds, corporate bonds with warrants, private placement of corporate bonds, hedge funds, private placement funds, infrastructure funds, and commodity funds may not exceed 5% of the insurance company’s usable funds that can be invested, according to Article 17, Paragraph 1, Section 3 of the Regulations.
Unlike traditional portfolio investments in securities, PE fund investments can support industrial development, provide post-investment management support and various other value-added services to the invested enterprises.
The “Directions for Guiding and Managing the Promotion of Industrial Investment by Private Equity Funds” by the NDC encourages insurance funds and other funds to invest in important strategic industries through PE with the aim of boosting economic development. Given the critical role of PE funds, the Committee suggests setting a separate limit for investment in PE funds by insurance funds.
In response to the 2021, 2022, and 2023 White Paper publications, the government informed us that existing regulations on public pension funds do not impose a specific investment ceiling on PE funds. However, most of these funds in practice do categorize PE investments as a type of alternative asset and maintain a conservative investment stance, keeping allocations to such assets at a minimal level. For instance, the current range for PE funds in funds operated under the Ministry of Civil Service is set between 0.1% and 1% for self-managed funds and between 2% and 10% for mandated funds.
Suggestion 3: Permit establishment of single-family offices without the need for a local asset management license and create a “Taiwan Family Office Task Force.”
The issue of family offices has long been a subject of focus for the Committee. Family offices have existed in many jurisdictions for a long time and help retain local funds, attract overseas funds, and facilitate business succession and transformation. In most cases, they also perform functions such as asset separation from family members, ensuring efficient and centralized information management, maintaining transparency in information and management, aligning interests among family members, and achieving better management results and cost savings. Additionally, they play a crucial role in family governance and succession planning and have an excellent track record in fulfilling their social responsibilities.
Taiwan could benefit from the experiences of foreign jurisdictions that have navigated the intricacies of family offices. In Hong Kong, for example, asset management services that are provided solely to wholly-owned group entities are exempt from the asset management license requirements under the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
Similarly, Singapore exempts the asset management license requirements for services provided to related corporations, as these licensing rules are primarily designed to protect third-party customers. Consequently, single-family offices in these jurisdictions are not subject to the specific licensing requirements designed for asset management, as they can rely on these exemptions.
The Committee recommends that the government consider relaxing the requirement for a local asset management license when the service is provided solely to wholly-owned group entities or related corporations. Specifically, a family office exclusively serving a holding company or investment vehicle established by a single family could benefit from an exemption from the discretionary investment management licensing requirement outlined in Article 5 of the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act.
This exemption would facilitate the establishment of single-family offices, stimulating the development of related industrial chains, including experts and businesses in legal, financial, tax, asset management, investment, healthcare, retirement, education, and succession planning sectors. Additionally, this approach would channel funds into investments encouraged by the government or aligned with government policies, such as in the energy industry or sustainability initiatives in line with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. Further government engagement would create job opportunities and enhance Taiwan’s competitiveness as a regional hub for family offices.
Similarly, the concept of multi-family offices could also be integrated into the asset management licensing framework, particularly within the scope of discretionary investment management services and the possibility of relaxing qualifications of service providers, to expand the scope of family office services in Taiwan.
Given that Taiwan’s family office sector is still in the early stages of development, the Committee hopes to work closely with the government and other stakeholders to create a “Taiwan Family Office Task Force,” focused on developing a family office industry in Taiwan. The task force should work on issues such as regulatory requirements observed in other major financial centers, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai, talent and skills development in the family office industry, and promotion of Taiwan as an operation and investment destination for domestic and foreign family offices.
As more investment funds are permitted and targeted to invest in the domestic capital market and industries, establishment of such a task force would help Taiwan align and achieve its goals for asset management development, industrial transformation, generational wealth transfer, ESG development, promotion of philanthropy, talent development, and economic growth.
The Committee looks forward to cooperation between AmCham and the government to ensure the financial security and cybersecurity of foreign family offices operated or incorporated in Taiwan. This partnership should focus on establishing robust frameworks and practices to safeguard these entities against financial risks and cyber threats, thereby enhancing the overall security and attractiveness of Taiwan as a destination for international family office registration and operation.