AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
Committee Events & Luncheons
The Committee appreciates the efforts of the Ministry of Labor to protect worker rights, enhance productivity, and foster sound labor-management relations. We emphasize that new types of work content and arrangements, often across time zones, require a rethinking of traditional regulatory approaches regarding work environments and the need to promote cultural inclusivity to enable Taiwan to attract more international talent. While there has not been progress on these efforts since last year, we hope that the new administration will see the value of upgrading Taiwan’s employment environment.
To enhance Taiwan’s talent market competitiveness, it is important to respond adroitly to societal changes and new employment relationships. The Committee has solicited input from foreign enterprises and related experts and proposes the following recommendations for consideration:
Suggestion 1: Collaborate with industry to establish a cross-ministerial task force to accelerate AI adoption and articulate best practices.
According to a 2023 OECD study, integrating AI in the workplace can improve job satisfaction, employee health, and wages. AI also helps transform employment into fractionalized or task-based work by automating routine tasks and facilitating continuous learning and adaptation. According to a 2022 Deloitte survey of workers and businesses worldwide, there is a strong shift away from specific job-based models toward skills-based models to meet the demand for agility, agency, and equity. But despite its benefits, new technology brings concerns over company trade secrets and employee privacy, increased work intensity, and bias, creating apprehensions about its future impact.
This situation underscores the importance of acquiring new and more precise data on the adoption and application of AI and emerging technologies in advancing work environments. Such data should elucidate the nature of job transformations, the emergence and obsolescence of roles, the evolution of skill requirements, and the anticipated structure of future labor markets. By proactively addressing these changes, the government can devise policies that help maintain a healthy level of employment.
The Committee commends the government’s proactive investment in building the workforce’s AI skills, substantially enhancing Taiwan’s competitiveness and contributing to the growth of a dynamic AI industry. We recommend that the government adopt a coordinated approach to fully leverage the opportunities and navigate the challenges presented by AI. This strategy should aim to ensure that policy, education, and industry initiatives are aligned across industry sectors to bring Taiwan to the forefront of technological advancement.
Suggestion 2: Actively advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workforce.
Businesses are increasingly looking to attract a diverse range of talent, aiming to create more inclusive, innovative, and dynamic workplaces. However, many enterprises face challenges in directly accessing diverse talent pools. We urge the government to actively facilitate and promote connections between businesses and capable job seekers, particularly those with disabilities, which would enhance employment opportunities for this traditionally marginalized community. Increased workforce participation benefits the individual and the organization they work for, as they can contribute diverse skills and different perspectives. Government support in this endeavor would reinforce Taiwan’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.
2.1 Establish a DEIA-centered talent pool platform. A comprehensive, voluntary opt-in talent pool platform that holds diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) principles would assist individuals with diverse skill sets and needs find gainful employment. Such a platform would allow businesses to easily access and match the abilities and requirements of individuals, thereby facilitating the seamless identification of diverse talent that aligns with corporate needs.
In addition, the Committee suggests that the government build a national diversity dashboard. This dashboard can help a wide array of talent find jobs while helping employers build a pipeline of diverse candidates through dashboard data analysis.
The Committee acknowledges the government’s efforts to support traditionally marginalized individuals in achieving their career goals. Removing barriers to inclusion by continuously expanding employers’ recruiting efforts, improving accessibility practices, and evaluating overall employment processes is crucial for fostering a culture that attracts, builds, develops, and retains talent and adheres to the spirit of DEIA.
2.2 Strengthen professional career counseling services to people with disabilities. We urge the government to collaborate with experienced consultants and career counseling organizations familiar with dynamic corporate environments in offering dedicated career advisory services to individuals with disabilities. Such services would assist individuals in addressing workplace challenges, boosting retention rates and raising competitiveness in their respective fields.
2.3 Establish a dedicated contact window assisting enterprises in formulating disability-friendly human resources policies. This channel would provide practical support, instilling confidence in businesses that might feel they lack specialized operating procedures tailored to individuals with disabilities. In the event of challenging labor disputes, such as disagreements over contract adjustments, the government could utilize its resources to promptly assist companies in navigating complex situations.
Suggestion 3: Adopt measures to help foreign talent integrate into Taiwanese society.
3.1 Digitalize the reimbursement process for employment incentive programs. While the government provides tax incentives to attract foreign talent, the reimbursement process can be burdensome and time-consuming. For example, the requirement by the National Taxation Bureau for hard copy documentation during tax exemption applications impedes the onboarding process for foreign talent. Without adequate supporting documents (such as original receipts, invoices, tickets, and boarding passes), preferential tax treatments are disallowed, leading to additional tax implications for both employers and employees. We recommend transitioning to a fully electronic certification process to expedite these applications.
3.2 Include tuition subsidies among non-taxable income items. Within the government’s foreign talent recruitment program, school scholarships are considered tax-exempt income. In contrast, tuition subsidies and other education assistance and allowances, which are often more substantial than scholarships, do not qualify as non-taxable income. This discrepancy imposes a considerable tax burden on foreign talent, particularly during the initial relocation phase when many opt to enroll their children in international schools. This period is vital for their adjustment to life in Taiwan, and the significant financial impact of these tax regulations can be challenging.
The Committee recommends expanding the scope of “scholarships” to include tuition subsidies or adding tuition subsidies as one of the measures eligible for tax deduction. This change would substantially alleviate the financial burden for child-related expenses and demonstrate to foreign professionals that Taiwan’s work environment caters to family needs.
3.3 Launch an online portal with clear procedures and resources for workers relocating to Taiwan. As the business environment increasingly globalizes, facilitating the seamless movement of talent across borders in consideration of employer capabilities and company needs becomes increasingly important. While the government has established clear processes for work permits and visas, we emphasize the need to also offer comprehensive resources to global talent and their families. These resources should assist them in efficaciously adapting to Taiwan’s culture, education system, and lifestyle, covering each stage of their relocation. A smooth transition process is vital in creating a positive professional and personal experience.
Suggestion 4: Amend the provisional injunction provision under the Labor Incident Act.
A terminated employee may sue an employer for job reinstatement and seek a provisional injunction order under Article 49 of the Labor Incident Act (LIA). If granted, this order compels the employer to temporarily reinstate the employee under the original terms and conditions of employment throughout the litigation period until a final judgment is issued. On the other hand, if the employer obtains a final favorable judgment, it may apply to revoke the injunction order and ask the terminated employee to return the salary and benefits paid by the employer during the litigation period, provided that the injunction did not require the employee to perform services in exchange for payment.
In practice, the lengthy process required for courts to render a final and conclusive judgment means that complying with an injunction order to continue employing a terminated employee can impose a significant burden on the employer. Although the financial condition of the employer is considered a crucial factor in deciding whether to grant an injunction order, the courts primarily review written pleadings from both parties when assessing the application. This method makes it challenging for the court to accurately assess the employer’s financial status without conducting any formal hearings. This lack of direct interaction and reliance on written submissions can hinder the court’s ability to gain a true understanding of the employer’s financial health.
2.1 建立多元人才平台
2.2 提供專業職涯輔導服務
2.3 設置單一窗口以協助企業制定身障友善政策
3.1 數位化獎勵聘僱措施的核銷流程
政府雖透過提供稅收優惠來吸引外籍人才,但相關支出之核銷憑證相當繁瑣與耗時。 例如,國稅局於免稅相關待遇申請過程中一律要求出示紙本文件,其不便程度已影響外籍人才融入職場(on boarding)流程, 倘若證明文件(例如收據、發票、機票和登機證正本)不足,便無法獲得稅收優惠,將對雇主和員工造成額外稅務負擔。因此,我們建議全面數位化相關認證程序以縮短申請時程。
3.2 將學費補助納入非應稅收入項目
3.3 推行線上入口網站,為移居台灣工作的外國人士提供清楚的作業流程和資源