AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
Committee Events & Luncheons
The Committee aims to promote the advancement of ESG practices in Taiwan by collaborating with government and relevant stakeholders through public-private learning partnerships, echoing the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
We applaud the government’s stated commitment to ESG principles and recognize its dedication to integrating ESG into national policies, promoting sustainable development and responsible investment. Taiwan is advancing green energy initiatives, targeting substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and encouraging the use of renewable resources. Socially, it supports corporate social responsibility, labor rights, and inclusivity. Furthermore, Taiwan stands out in its emphasis on transparency, ethical conduct, and corporate accountability.
These efforts are reflected in policies promoting ESG reporting and performance among businesses, with a vision to position Taiwan as a leading center of sustainable and responsible investment in Asia. To address members’ specific regulatory concerns, we offer the following recommendations:
Suggestion 1: Continue to incentivize Taiwan’s information and communications technology supply chain to accelerate greenhouse gas reduction and investment in green technology.
The Committee acknowledges the government’s commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Following passage of the Climate Change Response Act, the government has continued to allocate resources to related subsidiary laws and regulatory revisions. We recommend that the government further encourage low-carbon product innovation and R&D in manufacturing by incorporating these initiatives into the existing incentive programs for the information and communications technology (ICT) industry.
Promoting a circular economy through implementing regulatory amendments, incorporating everything as a service (XaaS) principles into public and private procurement, and encouraging “design for circularity” can help transform consumer behavior. To support these initiatives, the Committee stands ready to contribute industry expertise during the legislative amendment process.
1.1 Incentivize low-carbon product innovation and manufacturing R&D. The Committee recommends that the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) incorporate innovation and R&D for the manufacturing of low-carbon products into its subsidy and incentive frameworks for industries. To enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan’s ICT industry in the world market, incentives should be applicable to Taiwanese ICT companies’ operations and production globally. Such an approach not only aligns with governmental efforts to bolster the resilience and supply chains of Taiwan’s ICT industry but also enhances the global competitiveness of Taiwanese companies.
1.2 Promote the circular economy through comprehensive regulatory amendments and implementation. Incorporating XaaS, a sharing economy model, into public and private procurement and promoting “design for circularity” products will help transform consumer behavior and drive the circular economy.
The Committee urges the government to further promote the circular economy and reward market behavior through the revision and implementation of new regulations that support the sharing economy and encourage the purchase of products designed for ease of repair and recycling. Such regulatory changes would positively influence consumer behavior, leading to reduced carbon emissions and waste, and motivate the ICT supply chain to pursue innovations in low-carbon design and manufacturing technologies.
Suggestion 2: Provide more favorable policy incentives to manufacturers and importers of materials or containers made of recycled materials for the packaging of food, cosmetics, and commodities.
Using recycled materials instead of virgin plastics in the production of food, cosmetics, or commodity packaging can significantly reduce carbon emissions and the overall carbon footprint, contributing positively to environmental sustainability. However, the cost of recycled plastics is notably higher than that of virgin plastics. Despite this, the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) charges the same recycling processing fee for products made from virgin plastics as for those made from recycled materials.
We urge the MOENV to provide more favorable carbon fees for providers and users of products characterized by low energy consumption or a small carbon footprint and to review the recycling and processing fee rates for these items when formulating regulations. Additionally, we recommend that the MOENV classify containers made from recycled materials under the “green rate” category for recycling and processing fees, promoting the use of sustainable materials and supporting environmental conservation efforts.
Suggestion 3: Advance net-zero education, cultivate sustainability talent, and elevate Taiwan’s societal consensus on green energy.
More than 400 international companies have publicly committed to sourcing 100% of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2050, making the availability of green energy a crucial factor in investment decisions. To maintain Taiwan’s competitive edge in international markets and address the challenges of reaching global net-zero emissions targets, the Committee recommends that the government build a broad societal consensus for green initiatives and carbon reduction, promote in-depth discussions about global warming and extreme climate events, and establish a mature green energy framework that aligns with international standards and values.
3.1 Incorporate net-zero and green energy topics into the 2029 Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. The Committee notes that within the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, energy and environmental topics constitute approximately 6% of the natural sciences and technology courses for children from third to sixth grade. Specifically, environmental topics are addressed in just one out of eight topics in the fourth and sixth grades, while no environmental education is included in the third and fifth grade curriculums. This sparse inclusion indicates a limited emphasis on environmental and energy education in the early stages of basic education.
In Europe and the United States, environmental and energy education is a fundamental part of preschool learning. Recognizing the importance of such education, South Korea has also updated its curriculum to focus on ecological literacy through its “General Guidelines for the 2022 Revised National Curriculum and Environmental and Ecological Education.” The Committee underscores the need for similar efforts to significantly enhance the quantity and quality of environmental and green energy education materials in Taiwan. Through enhanced green literacy, the future generation can better meet pressing challenges of carbon reduction.
The Committee recommends that the Ministry of Education expand the scope of environmental and sustainability education in primary and secondary schools. This expansion should include improvements in teacher training and the modernization of current theory-focused materials. Such efforts would equip Taiwan’s younger generation with a comprehensive understanding of global sustainable societal systems and environmental challenges, positioning Taiwan as a leader in environmental consciousness and an attractive destination for sound investments.
3.2 Increase funding for higher education research and cultivate talent with the ability to manage renewable energy projects. Taiwan aims to achieve 5.7 GW of offshore wind power capacity by 2025, positioning it as second in Asia in this sector. Despite this ambitious goal, both the renewable energy industry and the MOENV acknowledge a critical shortage of domestic qualified professionals in Taiwan. Research by Greenpeace Taiwan indicates that while 90% of younger Taiwanese (between the ages of 18 and 40) are interested in pursuing “green-collar jobs,” 70% fear that their current academic majors may not adequately prepare them for these roles, highlighting a significant gap between educational offerings and the emerging job market in the green energy sector.
While the Committee recognizes the efforts of higher education institutions in streamlining and integrating resources to support the green energy sector, we recommend further investment in building talent within developing technologies and operation and maintenance. By increasing funding and resources for university faculties in relevant disciplines, Taiwan can ensure that its energy transformation is supported by the development of skilled human resources and the mastery of necessary technologies for the green energy industry. This approach will not only enhance the maturity and independence of the renewable energy sector but also ensure that Taiwan remains at the forefront of sustainable energy development.
3.3 Initiate a national green energy policy seminar tour, incentivize carbon reduction-related creations, popularize the core value of net zero, and facilitate realization of the 2050 goals. To advance the development of Taiwan’s low-carbon economy, the government should communicate practical and objective information on carbon reduction and green initiatives in the media and with environmental organizations, local communities, and individual households. Such efforts could also minimize misinformation and misconceptions about renewable energy. The Committee recommends that the government actively promote its green energy policies, organize national green energy policy seminar tours, and foster engagement with local communities and stakeholders. By embedding the core value of sustainability deeply within society, these actions will not only localize and popularize these values but also significantly contribute to fulfilling global environmental responsibilities.
The Committee recommends that the government enhance policy support and broaden incentives for cultural, artistic, personal media, and multimedia creations focused on carbon reduction, environmental education, and green energy. Doing so will cultivate a rich cultural and artistic landscape, improve environmental literacy, and establish a comprehensive environmental education database. By promoting transparency in social communication and minimizing biases and misunderstandings due to information discrepancies, these measures will ensure that the public’s environmental awareness stays in step with global trends. Such strategic support is crucial for attracting long-term international investments to Taiwan, leveraging its commitment to sustainability and environmental education.
1.1. 獎勵低碳產品創新和製造研發。委員會建議經濟部將低碳產品(溫室氣體盤查議定書之範疇3,類別11)的創新及研發納入其對產業的補貼和獎勵框架中。為增強台灣ICT產業在世界市場上的競爭力,前述之獎勵措施應適用於台灣ICT公司在全球的營運和生產。這不僅與政府增強台灣ICT產業的韌性和促進供應鏈升級的努力一致,同時也增強台灣公司的全球競爭力。
1.2. 通過全面的法規修正和實施來促進循環經濟。將共享經濟模式 Everything-as-a-Service(XaaS)納入公部門和私部門採購,並促進「循環設計」產品,將有助於轉變消費者行為並推動循環經濟。委員會敦促政府持續通過修訂和實施新的法規,如提出《資源循環促進法》草案,以促進循環經濟並獎勵市場行為,藉此支持共享經濟並鼓勵購買易於維修和回收的產品。這些法規變化將對消費者行為帶來正向影響,減少碳排放和浪費,並激勵ICT供應鏈廠商追求低碳設計和製造技術的創新。
3.1 將合乎全球趨勢的淨零排放與綠能議題素材納入民國118年十二年國民基本教育課程綱要
3.2 針對綠能專業擴大高等教育研究經費,培養具備管理再生能源專案的本土永續人才
台灣政府規劃2025年離岸風電累計設置達5.7GW,打造亞洲第二裝置容量;然而台灣在追求能源自主的同時,包括綠能產業和環境部都承認台灣嚴重缺乏合格的專業人才。據台灣綠色和平(Greenpeace Taiwan)研究顯示:台灣有九成年輕人(18-40歲)對綠能工作有興趣,但其中高達7成認為目前選讀學系無法讓他們有綠能產業相關的能力 – 顯然教育專業與就業間存在極大的學用落差。
3.3 舉辦全國性綠能政策巡迴講座,擴大減碳元素藝文創作之獎勵,推動淨零排放價值之普及化,加速台灣實現2050年法定目標