AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
AmCham Taiwan Healthy Aging Forum:
Committee Events & Luncheons
The Committee thanks the government for paying extra attention to our recommendations in the 2023 White Paper and taking meaningful responsive action. Gratifying progress was made on the suggestions to relax amount caps on foreign bank branch and subsidiary bond repo transactions, risk-manage foreign currency bond reverse repo exposure, and exempt Formosa Bond liquidation providers from two-way quote requirements.
The government is also considering our suggestion to loosen the identity verification requirements under the Regulations Governing the Declaration of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions for current customers. We believe this issue could be resolved shortly.
In this year’s White Paper, we ask the government to 1) allow financial institutions to use electronic storage of accounting-related documents, 2) relax identification and verification requirements for authorized traders from securities-dealing counterparties that are financial institutions, and 3) revise password management regulations to provide greater security and flexibility for the banking industry.
It is possible for all these objectives to be met within the coming year. We look forward to continued liberalization that will attract more foreign institutions to participate in this market and bring further business opportunities to Taiwan from neighboring financial markets such as Hong Kong and Singapore. The result will be enhanced competitiveness for Taiwan’s financial sector and a greater ability to retain talent and develop the industry.
Suggestion 1: Allow financial institutions to support Taiwan’s net-zero transformation goals by using electronic storage of accounting-related documents.
As energy conservation, decarbonization, and net-zero transformation have become major goals of governments worldwide, the National Taxation Bureau has revised Article 27 of the “Regulations Governing the Accounting Books and Vouchers of Profit-seeking Enterprises Managed by the Competent Tax Authorities” to help promote the digitization of tax declarations and permit the use and recordkeeping of electronic invoices.
However, given the breadth of the financial services sector and the various types of authorities involved – including securities exchanges and industry associations, in addition to other relevant government agencies – there is a need for clear guidance regarding the allowable mode of recordkeeping for accounting-related documents (such as invoices or certificates) under existing laws and regulations.
The Committee therefore urges the Financial Supervisory Commission to take steps to expressly permit Taiwan’s financial institutions to use electronic means to keep accounting-related documents in accordance with Article 27, Paragraph 3, as above, instead of using and keeping paper copies. Doing so would support the government’s net-zero carbon emissions goals.
Suggestion 2: Relax identification and verification requirements for authorized traders from securities-dealing counterparties that are financial institutions.
The conflicting definitions of “agents” in banking and securities regulations cause confusion in the implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering-Terrorism Financing Act (AML/CFT) requirements. In the FAQ of “Model Guidelines Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism by the Banking Sector” (the Model Guidelines), an agent is defined as someone delegated to represent the authorized person of a client. Hence, authorized signers are not considered clients’ agents. However, in the FAQ of the “Template for Guidelines Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing of Securities Firms” (the Securities Guidelines), an authorized trader from a securities-dealing counterparty is categorized as an agent of the counterparty for purposes of identification and verification (ID&V). This discrepancy between banking and securities regulations creates confusion as to what is required to meet AML/CFT obligations.
Moreover, given the data-protection sensitivity of handling ID documents, collecting each trader’s identity information from securities counterparties can be a challenge, and given that financial institutions are highly regulated entities subject to strict internal controls, there is less AML/CFT-related risk when it comes to authorized traders from a financial institution.
To resolve this inconsistency, the Committee proposes taking a risk-based approach by amending the FAQ of the Securities Guidelines to state that dealing counterparties who are authorized traders of financial institutions are excluded from the ID&V requirements in view of those institutions’ internal controls and strict regulations. Aligning the definition of an agent across the banking and securities sectors would alleviate the difficulties currently encountered for compliance.
Suggestion 3: Revise password management regulations to provide greater security and flexibility for the banking industry.
As information security has become one of the most important issues in financial industry operations and management, the banking industry is committed to improving information security control mechanisms to reduce the risks that may arise from cyberattacks on corporate information systems and databases.
However, current information security regulations in the banking industry predominantly mandate regular password changes (a practice many users forget or neglect) without considering more effective alternative security measures that are readily available.
These more effective security control mechanisms include regular review of the bank’s internal system password management policy to ensure that relevant policies and controls comply with approved technical standards. Beyond the traditional single-factor authentication and the mandate for users to change their eight-character passwords every three months, more advanced control methods are now available. One of these is to increase the length of the password from 8 characters to 12 for greater complexity. This change significantly increases the time it takes for hackers to crack passwords from the current 1-8 hours to an estimated 34,000 years and eliminates the need for users to change their passwords every three months.
Banks could also adopt other strategies to enhance password security. For example, passwords meeting a 12-character requirement could still be required to include at least three of the following four types of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. The bank could also set up a control system that detects weak constructions that may not be used as passwords, such as those based on common words in the dictionary, birthdays, and names.
Another approach would enable access to user workstations only through multi-factor authentication, such as a combination of employee identification chip card and password control, together with regular employee education and training.
Given the need to ensure that information security protection operations keep up with the rapid advances in technology, we urge the government to revise regulations to permit use of alternative security measures that replace the current mandatory password change requirements if the alternative measures are more advanced and secure. Doing so would provide greater security, flexibility, and convenience for the benefit of both consumers and the banking industry while providing effective information security.