American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan Urges Swift Passage of H.R. 7372
TAIPEI, TAIWAN – The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan fervently supports bill H.R. 7372, currently pending in the House of Representatives. The Chamber urges all members of Congress to take early action to pass this critical legislation.
“While this bill is a lifeline for Ukraine, it also carries crucial benefits for the Asia-Pacific region, particularly Taiwan,” stated Dan Silver, Chairperson of AmCham Taiwan. “Passage of H.R. 7372 is essential to bolster Taiwan’s security posture, deter aggression, and maintain regional stability.”
Passage of the bill would have a direct impact on Taiwan’s security by providing it with critical resources necessary to strengthen its defense capabilities and address imbalances in security across the Taiwan Strait. “Delaying or weakening this vital legislation puts Taiwan in a more vulnerable position, jeopardizing the security and economic well-being of one of the United States’ most important trade partners,” stated Silver.
Noting ripple effects beyond Ukraine, the Chamber expresses deep concern about the wider implications of weakened Ukrainian defense, particularly for the Asia-Pacific
region. A key concern is the potential for a “domino effect” emboldening aggression elsewhere. The increased global instability, including potential nuclear proliferation, also carries the risk of diverting resources and attention away from the Asia-Pacific.
Equally concerning is that failing to pass H.R. 7372 would erode trust in the United States’ commitment to its allies and partners, including Taiwan.
Inaction on the legislation would undermine regional stability and create an environment susceptible to misinformation campaigns. It would also weaken the standing of U.S. businesses, which rely on trust in America’s commitment to upholding the highest standards.
This issue is not solely about Ukraine or Taiwan; other potential allies in the Asia-Pacific region are closely watching the United States’ response. Swift and decisive passage of H.R. 7372 would send a strong signal of U.S. commitment to its principles and leadership in the region, fostering trust and cooperation with our allies.
Timely action is essential. In recognition of the urgency of the situation, AmCham Taiwan calls on Congress to swiftly pass H.R. 7372. Delaying or weakening this crucial legislation jeopardizes Ukraine, Taiwan, and the broader international order. “The United States has a longstanding partnership with Taiwan, and we remain confident that sustained peace and economic opportunity are best achieved when we live up to our historical values and reinforce our principles-based leadership,” said Silver.
About AmCham Taiwan
Founded in 1951, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan is the second oldest American Chamber in Asia and the voice for U.S. business in Taiwan. Its more than 1,200 members represent nearly 600 multinational companies.
For more information, please contact:
Fernando Chen
Senior Manager of Government and Public Affairs Department
02-27188226 ext. 213 [email protected]
台灣美國商會呼籲美國國會盡速通過 H.R. 7372 法案
台灣美國商會(商會)強力支持目前正於眾議院審議的 H.R. 7372 法案。商會敦促所有美國國會成員及早行動,通過這項至關重要的立法。
「雖然這項法案對烏克蘭提供一條生命線,但對亞太地區,尤其是台灣而言,也同樣帶來了關鍵性的影響。」台灣美國商會理事長 Dan Silver 表示,通過 H.R. 7372 法案對於增強台海安全防禦、遏止侵略並維持區域穩定極其重要。該法案的通過將直接影響台灣的安全,同時對台提供必要的關鍵資源,以加強其國防能力,並對於兩岸防禦資源不均等議題提出解方。
Dan Silver 表示,延遲或削弱這一重要立法將使台灣處於更加脆弱的位置,並且危及美國最重要貿易夥伴之一的人民安全與經濟福祉。商會指出,法案懸滯除了削弱烏克蘭防禦力量之外,同時也對亞太地區產生更廣泛的影響。主要擔憂之一為「骨牌效應」將激勵強權的侵略,增加全球不穩定因素,提升核武擴散的機會,並導致資源和注意力轉移,對亞太地區造成極負面的影響。
同樣令人擔憂的是,H.R. 7372 法案若不通過,美國在國際上以及在台的信任指數,也將受到負面影響。
該法案的懸滯除了破壞區域穩定,同時也更加劇假新聞和資安攻擊。美國在國際上所享有的高信任度必因此削弱,不利於未來經貿交易的推動。此議題不僅關乎烏克蘭或台灣;亞太地區各方盟友也正密切關注美國的回應。迅速而果斷地通過 H.R. 7372 法案將向亞太地區傳達美國重視承諾維護的中心理念及其國際地位,促進我們與盟友間的信任和合作。
及時行動是必要的。有鑑於目前情勢的緊迫性,台灣美國商會呼籲美國國會迅速通過H.R. 7372 法案。延遲或削弱這一關鍵立法將危及烏克蘭、台灣和更廣泛的國際秩序
Dan Silver 表示,「美國與台灣有著悠久的合作關係,我們相信只有當我們堅持歷史價值並強化基於原則的領導時,才能實現持續的和平與經濟機會。」
台灣美國商會前身為「台北市美國商會」,成立於 1951 年,是亞洲歷史第二悠久的美國商會,致力改善臺灣的商業環境,使其更加開放、創新與繁榮。本會是個非營利及非政府組織,擁有來自 580 多家國際企業逾 1,200 名會員,扮演深化臺灣和美國關係的重要橋樑。
陳慶維 政府暨公共事務部資深經理
[email protected] 02-27188226 #213