AmCham Thanks Tsai Administration,
Calls for Implementation of Taiwan Fellowship Act at the 2024 Hsieh Nien Fan
TAIPEI, Taiwan – Under President Tsai’s leadership, Taiwan has outpaced many of the economies it benchmarks itself against. Taiwan and the United States must now accelerate the implementation of initiatives that will drive future engagement and investments.
That was a key message from the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan delivered on March 28 at the organization’s 56th annual Hsieh Nien Fan banquet, held at Taipei Marriott Hotel.
“We believe that every sincere effort to strengthen engagement between the U.S. and Taiwan should be actively, urgently embraced,” said AmCham Chairperson Dan Silver. He added that one such effort is the Taiwan Fellowship Act, which “symbolizes a profound commitment to mutual understanding and cooperation” between the United States and Taiwan.
Chairperson Silver encouraged Taiwan to take full advantage of the spotlight shining on it, emphasizing the need for regulatory reform to create a more open, investment-friendly, and agile business environment and solidify Taiwan’s global economic position.
Delivering the evening’s keynote, President Tsai Ing-wen praised Silver’s efforts during his previous tenure as Chairperson in 2016, noting his substantial contributions to improving Taiwan’s regulatory environment. “I am sure that his leadership and action will help make the business environment here in Taiwan even more friendly,” she added. President Tsai further recognized AmCham President Patrick P. Lin’s impressive record in international business, adding that she looks forward to seeing Lin draw on his experience to push U.S.-Taiwan relations even further.
“I look forward to seeing the efforts we have made together in resolving the issue of double taxation between Taiwan and the U.S. producing concrete results,” said Tsai. “For that I remain optimistic and must give a special thanks to AmCham for its consistent advocacy through such channels as the White Paper.”
Sandra Oudkirk, director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), in her remarks highlighted numerous milestones in U.S.-Taiwan collaboration over the past year. She mentioned accomplishments such as the inaugural U.S.-Taiwan Science and Technology Cooperation Dialogue, the signing of the first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade, significant delegations from Taiwan to the United States during the APEC summit, and a record 39 visits by members of Congress to Taiwan.
“Looking ahead, we have great plans for 2024,” Oudkirk said, noting that AIT will continue to collaborate with AmCham and partners in Taiwan to bolster Taiwan’s cyber and energy resilience. “We hope that through building these industry partnerships, we will lay the foundation for commercial and research collaboration that will lift both economies and further link our industries, the number of next-generation technologies.”
This year’s Hsieh Nien Fan was attended by nearly 650 members and guests, and around 150 government officials. The banquet’s purpose is to express gratitude to the Taiwan government, local business leaders, and other stakeholders for their constructive engagement with the international business community and collaboration in strengthening the business climate. AmCham looks forward to closer collaboration with like-minded counterparts in helping Taiwan build strength through prosperity.
For more information, please contact:
Celine Fahn
Director of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext.627
[email protected]
Fernando Chen
Senior Manager of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext.213
[email protected]
感謝蔡政府八年貢獻 籲盡快實施台灣學人計畫
台灣美國商會今(28)晚於台北萬豪酒店舉辦第 56 屆「謝年飯」晚宴活動,蔡英文總統第八度蒞臨晚宴致詞,持續肯定台灣美國商會在台美雙邊關係中扮演的重要角色,美國在台協會孫曉雅處長(Sandra Oudkirk)也代表美方致詞並祝賀晚宴圓滿成功。商會誠摯感謝蔡英文總統過去八年緊密推動台美雙邊貿易關係與「新南向政策」,也期盼台美雙邊能加速實施推動未來互動與投資的倡議。
台灣美國商會理事長Dan Silver表示,每個加強台美交流的真誠努力都應該迫切得到積極的支持,其中一項努力就是《台灣學人法案》,希望法案延伸的「台灣學人計畫」能夠盡快實施。「台灣學人法案象徵對相互理解和合作的深厚承諾。Dan Silver表示,此法案根植於互惠精神,為專業知識和見解的深度交流鋪平了道路。」
Dan Silver於歡迎辭中強調應充分把握全球目光聚焦台灣的時刻,進行監理改革,以創造一個更開放、投資友善和靈活的商業環境,並鞏固台灣在全球經濟中的地位。「台灣已經將自己定位成一個領導者,願意且能夠與理念相近的夥伴建立起更緊密的關係,確保以繁榮來建構實力。」Dan Silver表示,希望台灣能繼續創新並擴展其產業,這是推動經濟不斷前進的原動力。
蔡英文總統發表談話,肯定Dan Silver在2016年擔任理事長期間所做的努力,並指出他對改善台灣法規的監理環境做出了重大貢獻。蔡總統也進一步表彰了執行長林博智出色的國際經驗,並表示期待林博智利用自身的經驗進一步推動美台關係。 蔡總統表示,期待看到共同解決台美雙重課稅問題所做的努力產生具體成果,對此也保持樂觀。蔡總統也特別感謝美國商會通過《白皮書》等途徑一直堅定地進行倡議。
美國在台協會孫曉雅(Sandra Oudkirk)處長發表談話突顯了過去一年美台合作的許多里程碑,包括首次舉辦的美台科技合作對話、台美21世紀貿易倡議簽署的首份協議、台灣代表團在亞太經合會(APEC)峰會期間對美國的重要訪問,以及國會成員對台訪問創下的39次紀錄。「 展望未來,我們對2024年有很大的計劃。」孫曉雅指出,美國在台協會將繼續與美國商會和台灣夥伴合作,加強台灣的資安和能源韌性,希望通過建立這些行業的合作夥伴關係,為商業和研究合作奠定基礎,進一步連接雙邊經濟體和次世代科技的規模。
Dan Silver也代表商會在晚宴中個別致贈蔡英文總統與孫曉雅處長兩幅AI生成畫作。蔡總統的畫作中包含了她兩個任期內的成就,像是台灣的綠能產業發展,彩虹代表人權,21世紀貿易代表了強化的台美貿易關係。個人方面,她對冰滴咖啡與貓的熱愛也呈現在畫作內,商會所使用的關鍵詞包括韌性、數位轉型,及台美貿易;孫曉雅的畫作中除完整呈現家鄉佛羅里達州的元素,包括柳橙與海岸外,也包含她所熱愛的台灣元素,包括珍珠奶茶和台北101。畫作中心呈現開放的外交人物站在一輛自行車旁邊,代表她平日的生活愛好,值得一提的是,畫作右邊也可見到孫曉雅最喜歡的典型美式甜點胡桃派。
政府及公共事務部總監 范家瑋 02-27188226#627 [email protected]
政府及公共事務部資深經理 陳慶維 02-27188226#213 [email protected]