TSMC Founder Morris Chang Recalls Early American Investment in Taiwan; Stresses Importance of U.S.-Taiwan Collaboration at the Chamber’s 2023 Annual General Meeting
TAIPEI, Taiwan – The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (AmCham) held its 2023 Annual General Meeting on November 21 with record attendance and membership. Founder of chips giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), Dr. Morris Chang, gave the keynote address at the event.
During his opening remarks, AmCham Chairperson Vincent Shih noted the significant milestones in Taiwan-U.S. economic and trade cooperation achieved during the previous week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting. These included the resumption of the Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue (EPPD), advancement of a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, commitment to accelerating the schedule for the second-stage negotiations of the Taiwan-U.S. Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and promoting cooperation to include third-party countries – all issues of longstanding concern for the Chamber.
During his remarks, Dr. Chang shared memories of his early interactions with Taiwan during his time as Global Vice President at Texas Instruments in the 1960s, including discussions with then Minister of Economic Affairs Li Kwoh-ting, the ‘father’ of Taiwan’s economic miracle. Dr. Chang said that Li worked tirelessly to overcome intellectual property rights and land use challenges in establishing the factory, which finally allowed Texas Instruments to successfully take root in Taiwan. Dr. Chang said that Taiwan has excellent talent and welcomes companies to set up here, ushering in an era of prosperity for Taiwan. He said that this initial experience of American investment was an important milestone in Taiwan’s economic development.
Chairperson Shih thanked the board of governors and supervisors for their efforts over the past year, emphasizing that their support has helped AmCham continue to grow. He also welcomed Patrick P. Lin, AmCham’s new President. Shih said that Lin’s excellent leadership style and rich experience in industry and innovation will inject vitality into the Chamber.
President Patrick P. Lin noted that the current moment for U.S.-Taiwan relations is the most important for 40 years. Over the past year, the Chamber hosted a record number of delegations of U.S. members of congress, state governments, think tanks and industry associations, as well as the four leading Taiwan presidential candidates in closed-door discussions with its membership.
Lin emphasized that AmCham will continue to promote economic and trade cooperation between the United States and Taiwan, continue to attract foreign investment in Taiwan, and work with the government to align business operations in Taiwan with international standards, fulfilling its responsibility to help safeguard Taiwan’s future.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Fernando Chen
Senior Manager of Government and Public Affairs Department
02-27188226 ext. 213 [email protected]
Joyce Pan
Manager of Government and Public Affairs Department
02-27188226 ext. 211 [email protected]
分享早期美商在台緣起 肯定美台持續合作之重要性
台灣美國商會於昨(21)日成功舉辦了 2023 年度會員大會,盛況空前。半導體巨擘台積電創辦人張忠謀首次擔任大會演講嘉賓,現場座無虛席,成為近年來會員大會出席人數最高的紀錄。儘管全球疫後經濟面臨挑戰,商會員人數仍達歷史新高,會務昌隆。
美國商會理事長施立成在會中表示,感謝張忠謀創辦人再次代表台灣參與亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)領袖峰會,見證了美台經貿合作的重要里程碑,也帶回四大共識的好消息,包括美台將再召開經濟繁榮夥伴對話(EPPD)、推進避免雙重課稅協定、加速台美 21 世紀貿易倡議第二階段談判時程,以及推動與國際組織的合作等,而這些共識都是美國商會長期關注的重要議題。
張忠謀回憶 60 年代在美商德州儀器擔任全球副總的早期歲月,分享美商與臺灣展開首次商務合作的經歷。張忠謀強調,時任經濟部長李國鼎先生是臺灣經濟奇蹟的奠基人之一。李國鼎不辭辛勞,克服了初期設廠所需應對智慧財產權和土地使用的種種挑戰,最終使德州儀器成功在臺灣扎根。張忠謀認為,台灣擁有優秀的人才,且歡迎企業設廠的態度,爲台灣開啟了繁榮的時代。這段初次合作的經歷被視為台灣經濟發展的一個重要里程碑。
施立成特別感謝過去一年所有的理監事,強調他們的支持讓美國商會能夠持續茁壯。同時熱烈歡迎新任執行長林博智(Patrick P. Lin)先生的加入,相信他的卓越領導風格和豐富的產業及新創經驗將為商會注入新的活力。
台灣美國商會 媒體聯絡人
陳慶維 政府暨公共事務部資深經理
[email protected] 02-27188226 #213
潘思堯 政府暨公共事務部經理
[email protected] 02-27188226 #211