AmCham’s 2023 White Paper Calls on Taiwan to Bolster Resilience
TAIPEI, Taiwan – In its 2023 Taiwan White Paper released on June 7, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan called on the Taiwan government to act urgently to take advantage of the unprecedented international attention, support, and goodwill it currently enjoys by improving its business climate to encourage investment.
The Chamber emphasized the need for quick and sustained action to ensure a stable energy supply and create a more satisfying work environment to attract and retain talent. The White Paper also called for stricter adherence to the 60-day public notice and comment period for new or revised regulations, increased funding for innovative healthcare treatments, and the adoption of international practice in tendering critical public infrastructure projects.
In the White Paper’s Messages to Washington, AmCham lauded the positive development of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. The Chamber urged the two governments to establish a clear roadmap on how agreements under the Initiative will be executed and then move forward to negotiate a comprehensive bilateral trade agreement. AmCham additionally encouraged the U.S. government to schedule routine visits to Taiwan by high-level U.S. government officials and continue efforts to promote Taiwan’s participation in relevant international organizations.
In the face of global economic headwinds and cross-Strait uncertainty, a “business as usual” mindset will no longer suffice, the White Paper said. AmCham stressed the importance for Taiwan to heighten its efforts to eliminate trade barriers and improve the regulatory system to bolster Taiwan’s competitiveness. It also urged the Taiwan and U.S. governments to begin negotiations on a bilateral double taxation avoidance agreement to facilitate trade and two-way investment.
Noting that only eight of the 102 issues raised in the 2022 White Paper have been resolved, the Chamber expressed the hope of holding more frequent meetings between its committees and the relevant Taiwan government agencies in the coming year.
At the press conference for the launch of this year’s White Paper, AmCham Taiwan thanked the National Development Council for its annual efforts in coordinating the government’s response to the Chamber’s recommendations, as well as the relevant government ministries and agencies for their cooperation in addressing challenging regulatory issues.
The 2023 Taiwan White Paper can be downloaded in full here:
For more information, please contact:
Sam Sheu
Acting Director of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext. 314
[email protected]
Fernando Chen
Senior Manager of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext. 213
[email protected]
台灣美國商會發布 2023 年白皮書 籲加強韌性以積極面對挑戰
台灣美國商會(下稱商會)於今(7)日發布《2023 台灣白皮書》,呼籲台灣政府把握當下機會,運用此刻國際前所未有的關注、支持和善意,來改善商業環境以鼓勵投資。
商會強調,政府需要採取迅速穩健的行動,才能確保環境永續及穩定能源供應,並打造更具競爭力的工作環境以吸引和留住人才。白皮書也敦促相關機關於法規或草案修訂時,落實 60 天的公告及評論期限,並提升挹注創新醫療投資,及在招標公共基礎建設重要項目方面採用國際慣例。
在白皮書的「建言華府」中,台灣美國商會肯定日前「台美 21 世紀貿易倡議」談判進展,並期許雙方政府建立明確的藍圖,進而商議全面的雙邊貿易協定。商會也鼓勵美國政府安排高層官員定期訪問台灣,並繼續推動台灣參與相關國際組織。
鑑於 2022 年台灣美國商會於白皮書中提出的 102 個議題中,僅有 8 項議題獲得解決,商會希望近期內增加委員會與相關主管機關之間的會議溝通頻率。
下載 《2023 台灣白皮書》完整版:
政府及公共事務部代理總監 許鴻鵬
02-27188226#627 / [email protected]
政府及公共事務部資深經理 陳慶維
02-27188226#213 / [email protected]