AmCham Stresses Importance of U.S.-Taiwan Talks at 2023 Hsieh Nien Fan
TAIPEI, Taiwan – The U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade offers an unprecedented opportunity to bring the bilateral economic relationship to a new level of cooperation and help Taiwan boost its international competitiveness.
That was a key message from the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan as delivered on April 19 at the organization’s 55th annual Hsieh Nien Fan banquet, held at Taipei Marriott Hotel.
Continuing a tradition of over 20 years, President Tsai Ing-wen delivered the evening’s keynote speech. Affirming the important role of AmCham Taiwan in the bilateral relationship, Tsai said both Taiwan and the U.S. were committed to completing negotiations under the 21st-Century Initiative at the earliest possibility.
“Our next step will be exploring the possibility of a Free Trade Agreement with the United States,” said President Tsai. “In this regard, I want to extend our appreciation to AmCham Taiwan in its support for a Taiwan-U.S. FTA.” Tsai stressed that “Taiwan will not waver in our commitment to improving and maintaining the robust business environment. Despite the challenges from China, we have been and will continue to be cautious in our management of cross-Strait relations. We will not be the provocateur, and we will work with our democratic partners to support peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific and across the Taiwan Strait.”
AmCham was honored to have Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Sandra Oudkirk and newly appointed AIT Chair Laura Rosenberger, traveling to Taipei from Washington, D.C., attend the event. In their remarks, both highlighted the various ways in which the U.S. and Taiwan collaborate to develop and strengthen trade ties and people-to-people relations. Rosenberger said her priority as AIT Chair is to tap the potential of U.S.-Taiwan relations. Oudkirk expressed AIT’s delight over “giant new investments” from Taiwan into the U.S. while emphasizing that investments are moving in both directions.
In his remarks, AmCham Chairperson Vincent Shih encouraged Taiwan to take full advantage of the “golden opportunity” represented by the bilateral negotiations that got underway last year on standards such as “good regulatory practice.”
“We hope that Taiwan takes full advantage of this year of opportunity and continues to innovate and expand its industries, propelling its economy toward the future it deserves,” he said. “Taiwan must accelerate the speed of regulatory reform and create an open, investment-friendly, and agile business environment that puts it on the world map.”
This year’s Hsieh Nien Fan was attended by nearly 650 members and guests, as well as around 150 government officials. The purpose of the banquet is for the Chamber to express its appreciation to the Taiwan authorities, local business leaders, and other stakeholders for their helpful engagement with the foreign business community and cooperation in improving the business climate. AmCham looks forward to closer collaboration with like-minded counterparts in helping Taiwan build strength through prosperity.
For more information, please contact:
Sam Sheu
Acting Senior Director of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext. 314
[email protected]
Fernando Chen
Senior Manager of Government and Public Affairs
02-27188226 ext. 213
[email protected]
肯定21世紀貿易協定奠定美台關係 期許共創更佳的商業環境
台灣美國商會今(19)晚於台北萬豪酒店舉辦第 55 屆「謝年飯」晚宴活動,蔡英文總統蒞臨晚宴致詞,肯定台灣美國商會在雙邊關係中扮演的重要力量,美國在台協會主席蘿拉羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)特自從美國華府前來,與台北辦事處孫曉雅處長(Sandra Oudkirk)一起參加謝年飯並祝賀晚宴圓滿成功。
台灣美國商會施立成會長於歡迎詞中強調台美關係正處於歷史最佳狀態,並肯定美台雙邊政府已針對21世紀貿易倡議五項議題達成初步共識,為美台經貿關係奠定史無前例的里程碑,期待台灣政府落實已達成共識的議題,如良好法制作業(Good Regulatory Practice, GRP)及貿易便捷化等,這些都是商會成員極度重視的議題。
晚宴中,施立成會長致贈蔡英文總統德州山月桂樹,象徵著台灣堅忍的韌性,德州月桂花也是蝴蝶的最愛,致敬台灣身為「蝴蝶王國」的美譽;施立成會長亦致贈美國在台協會羅森伯格主席「凝視 齊柏林:台灣的四維空間」攝影集,透過齊導的照片,傳達對台灣的摯愛;並贈孫曉雅處長台灣欒樹幼苗,台灣欒樹以減碳著名,是台灣道路常見的喬木,期待促進美台關係像樹木一樣繁榮,並能夠為地球減碳,促進世界永續發展指標達成。
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