Spotlight on Resilience #2: FBI & Cyber Security Resources

Following on from the well-attended October 18 webinar with Bill Baoerjin and James Yu from the FBI, the speakers shared some helpful cyber security resources with our members.

FBI Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3)

Businesses can file a Business Email Compromise (BEC) report here:

This will also initiate the financial fraud kill chain mentioned during the presentation.

The National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA)

NCFTA is where the FBI partners with the private sector to offer trainings and information sharing. It focuses on the U.S., but is expanding its role internationally.

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Stop Ransomware

The FBI issues alerts such as the CISA Joint Advisory, Private Industry Notification (PIN) and FBI Liaison Alert System (FLASH). These alerts can be found on the Official Alerts & Statements – FBI | CISA page.

Members can download the FBI fact sheet on ransomware: Ransomware Fact Sheet

December 15 2022 Joint Cybersecurity Advisory on Criminal Actors Use Business Email Compromise to Steal Large Shipments of Food Products and Ingredients.