AmCham Taiwan Welcomes Visa-Free Travel Resumption
The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (AmCham Taiwan) warmly welcomes the Central Epidemic Command Center’s (CECC) September 5 announcement that Taiwan will restore visa exemptions for citizens of the United States and several other countries starting September 12, 2022. This move aims to balance disease prevention and the resumption of normal economic and social activities. At this important juncture, where we face global economic headwinds and regional challenges, reopening can help Taiwan continue to grow and remain stable.
The Chamber has made visa-free travel resumption a cornerstone of our policy advice to the Taiwan government for the past nine months on transparency and efficiency grounds. The return to established visa-free processes sends a powerful statement of Taiwan’s intent to reengage in normalized people-to-people exchanges as soon as public health requirements allow and recognizes the principle of reciprocity with valued partners.
AmCham Taiwan believes that now is a crucial time to welcome travelers to return to Taiwan for reasons beyond the needs of business and the economy. We call on the CECC to critically re-assess the necessity of the current 3+4 quarantine regulations and upwardly adjust the daily cap on arrivals.
Media contact:
Lily Kuan
[email protected]
Lily Kuan
[email protected]