AmCham Taiwan Appreciates New Economic Initiatives from Washington
The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan, a non-partisan, non-profit organization of 540 leading international firms, appreciates the additional support and interest from U.S. officials from both the executive and legislative branches in supporting Taiwan. As COVID health concerns subside, the Chamber welcomes the chance to interact with more visiting delegations and contribute insights on several new initiatives aimed at deepening economic collaboration between the U.S. and Taiwan.
While official visits carry important symbolic meaning, the Chamber’s 71-yearlong history has demonstrated how the peaceful pursuit of commerce contributes to prosperity and innovation on a regional and global level. We believe that further investment in the robust U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship remains the best course to ensure the continuation of this progress. In particular, the United States and Taiwan are uniquely equipped to tackle pressing 21st Century challenges and opportunities, from public health, semiconductors, digital, and supply chain resilience to the development of sustainable sources of energy and human talent.
In recent interactions with Washington trade leaders, AmCham Taiwan has been calling for an ambitious agenda to accelerate economic cooperation with Taiwan through various public and private initiatives and, eventually, via a bilateral trade agreement (BTA). “AmCham Taiwan is well positioned to contribute to public-private partnerships, such as those envisioned by the United States and Taiwan authorities under the Technology Trade & Investment Framework (TTIC), launched last December, and the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade begun last month,” said AmCham President Andrew Wylegala.
Media contact:
Lily Kuan
[email protected]
+886-(02) 2718-8226 #627
(2022 年8月3 日)台灣美國商會係由 540 家跨國企業所組成之無黨派非營利組織,我們對於來自美國政府與國會官員對台灣的支持與關注表示感謝。在疫情逐漸和緩之際,商會樂意與更多來訪代表團互動,並就幾項深化台美經貿合作之倡議提供建言。
在美國官方訪問具重要的象徵意義之際,美國商會 71 年的歷史也展現了在和平的營商環境裡開展經貿活動對於地區性與全球的繁榮與創新至關重要。我們相信持續深化穩固的台美經貿關係仍將是未來發展的最佳途徑,特別是在幾個重要面向上,如公共衛生、半導體、數位、供應鏈韌性、永續能源的發展以及人才培養,台灣與美國都已經準備好面對21 世紀的新挑戰與新機會。
近期與美方貿易領袖的互動中,台灣美國商會持續呼籲更積極的議程,透過各式公私部門的倡議來加速經濟合作,以期最終促成雙邊貿易協定(Bilateral Trade Agreement, BTA)。台灣美國商會執行長魏立安表示,「台灣美國商會能夠為公私協力夥伴關係做出貢獻,例如由美國與台灣去年 12 月簽訂的科技貿易暨投資合作架構(TTIC),以及今年啟動的台美 21 世紀貿易倡議。」
關俐麗 Lily Kuan
+886-2-2718-8226 Ext. 627
[email protected]