AmCham Calls on Taiwan to Step up and Seize “Golden Opportunity” at 2022 White Paper Release Event
At a press conference today for the release of the 2022 Taiwan White Paper, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (AmCham) called for the government of Taiwan to act urgently to take advantage of the unprecedented and growing level of international attention, support, and goodwill it has received over the past year by improving its business climate and redoubling efforts to sign ambitious trade and economic agreements.
In particular, the Chamber emphasized the need for Taiwan to take quick and sustained action in ensuring a stable energy environment and to cultivate a sufficient, diverse, and internationally minded pool of talent. Furthermore, Vice Chairperson Andrea Wu noted, Taiwan must make greater efforts to eliminate trade barriers and improve its regulatory system in order to be a more attractive partner for high-standards bilateral and multilateral trade agreements.
AmCham also provided through the White Paper a series of recommendations to the U.S. government. Wu welcomed the recent announcement of the establishment of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade but restated the Chamber’s longstanding advocacy position that concluding a bilateral trade agreement (BTA) is the single most important step for cementing the trade relationship between the two sides. She thus called on the Biden administration to initiate talks on a BTA and on Congress to pass legislation requiring that negotiations for such an agreement begin this year.
Other requests made in this year’s White Paper included beginning negotiations on a bilateral semiconductor supply-chain agreement, passage of the America Competes Act, and final passage of and funding for the Taiwan Fellowship Act. In addition, AmCham once again made the case to both governments for a U.S.-Taiwan double taxation agreement, which it argued would help facilitate trade and two-way investment.
While fewer issues raised by AmCham’s 26 industry committees in the 2021 White Paper were considered solved by the time of publication of this year’s edition, Wu noted the importance of continued dialogue between the committees and the Taiwan government. She also highlighted the significant breakthrough of Taiwan’s acceptance of Medical Device Single Audit Program documents as application materials for expedited licensing of imported medical device products made earlier this year.
Wu lastly thanked the National Development Council for its efforts in coordinating and facilitating the annual White Paper meetings, as well as the numerous government agencies for continuing to come to the table to cooperate with AmCham members on resolving tough regulatory issues.
About AmCham Taiwan
Founded in 1951, AmCham Taiwan strives to improve Taiwan’s business environment, making it more open, innovative and prosperous. With around 1,100 members from more than 500 international companies, the non-profit, independent organization serves as a vital bridge between the U.S. and Taiwan. The White Paper has been published annually for the
past 26 years.
For more information, please contact:
Media contacts
Vivian Yang
Phone: (02) 2718 8226 #234
E-mail: [email protected]
Lily Kuan
Phone: (02) 2718 8226 #627
E-mail: [email protected]
台灣美國商會發布《2022 台灣白皮書》 呼籲台灣政府把握產業轉型黃金時機
(2022 年 6 月 22 日)台灣美國商會(下稱「商會」)今(22)日舉辦《2022 台灣白皮書》發布記者會,白皮書中囊括商會 26 個產業委員會的政策倡議。商會呼籲政府把握目前台灣擁有的前所未有且持續成長的國際關注、支持與善意,積極改善商業環境,簽訂具企圖心的貿易與經濟協議,進而掌握產業發展及轉型的「黃金時機」。
本年度的《2022 台灣白皮書》中,除提供台灣政府政策建言外,商會也向華府提出多項建議。吳王小珍副會長表示商會肯定台美政府近期宣布啟動「台美 21 世紀貿易倡議」(U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade),然也重申商會長期以來的倡議觀點,即締結雙邊貿易協定(Bilateral Trade Agreement, BTA)是鞏固台美雙方貿易關係最重要的一步。商會呼籲拜登政府啟動雙邊貿易協定的磋商,也鼓勵美國國會通過立法,要求行政部門今年應就貿易協議展開談判。
今年白皮書建言亦包含就雙邊半導體供應鏈協定展開談判,通過《美國競爭法》(America Competes Act)與《台灣獎學金法》(Taiwan Fellowship Act)並撥出執行經費。同時,商會再次提醒雙邊政府美台雙重課稅協定的重要性,相關協議有助於促進貿易與雙向投資。
今年商會 26 個產業委員會亦就去年《2021 台灣白皮書》列出的議題進行評價,然被認定為「已解決」的議題數量較往年少,吳王小珍副會長強調這顯示委員會與台灣政府機關持續對話的重要性,且政府今年宣布通過接受醫療器材單一稽核計畫(Medical Device Single Audi Program, MDSAP)報告,是新醫療器材產品審查流程的重大突破。
台灣美國商會成立於 1951 年,致力於促進台灣商業環境,使台灣更為開放、創新與繁榮。商會目前有超過 1,100 位個人會員,代表超過 500 家企業。商會是一獨立的非營利組織,在促進美台交流扮演關鍵角色。每年商會皆會出版《台灣白皮書》,至今已邁入第 26 年。
楊沐萱 Vivian Yang
政府及公共事務部 專案管理
+886-2-2718-8226 Ext. 234
[email protected]
關俐麗 Lily Kuan
+886-2-2718-8226 Ext. 627
[email protected]