AmCham Calls for U.S. to Further Engage Taiwan on Global Challenges at 2022 Hsieh Nien Fan
TAIPEI, Taiwan – American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan Chairperson Vincent Shih forcefully repeated the organization’s support for Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) talks and other joint initiatives as cornerstones of enhanced U.S.-Taiwan collaboration.
In remarks delivered at the 2022 Hsieh Nien Fan banquet, Shih lauded the new Technology Trade & Investment Framework (TTIC). He also called for Congress to launch a formal study on pursuing the BTA and the Biden Administration to include Taiwan in the U.S.’ Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF). Taiwan is central to semiconductor and other critical supply chains and capable of contributing to high-standards agreements in the areas of digital trade, sustainability, and cybersecurity, he stated.
This year’s Hsieh Nien Fan – the Chamber’s 54th such annual event – was held at the Grand Hyatt Taipei and attended by nearly 550 members and guests, as well as around 140 government officials.
In addition to addressing the U.S. side, Shih also thanked the Taiwan government for its stellar management of the pandemic and introduced the Chamber’s new logo. He also presented President Tsai and Director Oudkirk with pre-publication copies of Taiwan Matters for America, a concise booklet co-produced by the East-West Center and AmCham that captures the essence of a diverse partnership.
Shih cited record-high business sentiment among AmCham’s members but stressed that Taiwan would need to work hard to address pressing issues such as power supply and grid resilience as well as commit to normalizing visa issuance. He emphasized that AmCham and its nearly 1,100 members are ready to help in resolving these issues.
Continuing a tradition of more than 20 years, President Tsai Ing-wen delivered the evening’s keynote speech, in which she highlighted Taiwan’s achievement of its highest economic growth in 11 years and the ever-improving U.S.-Taiwan trade relationship. She also acknowledged the importance of cultivating talent, strengthening Taiwan’s energy infrastructure, and reinforcing cybersecurity to build capacity and remain competitive.
“At the same time, we are moving forward with efforts to improve our investment environment,” said President Tsai. “In this regard, I’m glad we have always been able to count on firsthand feedback and insight from AmCham.”
AmCham was also honored to hear remarks from American Institute in Taiwan Director Sandra Oudkirk, who highlighted U.S.-Taiwan cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, joint efforts to promote global supply chain resilience, and the importance of economic and trade ties between the U.S. and Taiwan. Following her speech, video remarks from Counselor of the U.S. Department of State Derek Chollet and Counselor to the Secretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce Arun Venkataraman were played.
The Hsieh Nien Fan serves to thank the Taiwan government, local business leaders, and other stakeholders for their helpful engagement with the foreign business community, as well as their cooperation in improving the business climate and advancing Taiwan’s competitiveness.
For more information, please contact:
Lily Kuan
Manager of Government & Public Affairs
[email protected]
(02) 2718-8226 Ext. 627
台灣美國商會舉辦第五十四屆謝年飯晚宴 感謝台灣政府與外商團體積極互動
鼓勵台美雙方強化交流與合作 共同應對全球嚴峻挑戰
台灣美國商會昨(30)晚於台北君悅酒店舉辦第 54 屆「謝年飯」,蔡英文總統親臨晚宴現場,肯定台灣美國商會在雙邊關係中扮演的重要力量。美國在台協會台北辦事處孫曉雅處長(Sandra Oudkirk)亦親自出席,祝賀謝年飯晚宴圓滿成功。
台灣美國商會施立成會長於歡迎詞中感謝政府於 COVID-19 疫情中的努力,台灣優秀的防疫成果全球有目共睹,也再次表示商會對「雙邊貿易協定」(BTA)與其他共同倡議的支持,成為加強台美雙邊合作的基石。
施立成會長亦讚揚全新的台美科技貿易投資合作架構(US-Taiwan Technology Trade and Investment Collaboration Framework, TTIC),敦促美國國會持續推動對台洽簽雙邊貿易協定,同時也鼓勵拜登政府將台灣納入其最新的「印太經濟架構」(Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, IPEF )。台灣在全球半導體供應鏈上扮演關鍵角色,也能為制定高標準的數位貿易(digital trade)、永續發展(sustainability)及網路資訊安全(cybersecurity)協議做出貢獻。
2021 年底,商會正式從「台北市美國商會」更名為「台灣美國商會」,2022 年謝年飯晚宴中, 施立成會長正式發表全新的商會標誌(Logo)。晚宴中,施立成會長亦向蔡英文總統與美國在台協會孫曉雅處長分享「台美夥伴,緊密相連」報告書。「台美夥伴,緊密相連」是由台灣美國商會與美國東西方中心(East-West Center)共同製作的報告書,強調多元化的夥伴關係。面對後疫情時代的全新挑戰,商會將持續且緊密地與在地政府及企業合作,扮演企業在台灣的堅實後盾,鞏固雙邊商業關係。
疫情下台灣經濟持續穩健成長,會員企業對台灣經濟前景也頗具信心。施會長表示為維持強健的成長動能,台灣政府需優先關切許多重要議題,例如穩定的電力供應、電網韌性和恢復簽證核發正常化。美國商會與超過 1,100 位的會員企業將持續與台灣政府共同合作,為重要議題提出解方。
延續過往逾 20 年的傳統,蔡英文總統今年亦出席謝年飯晚宴,感謝商會協助深化台美關係的貢獻。蔡總統致詞時強調去年台灣的經濟成長率達 6.45%,創下 11 年來新高,台美經貿關係也越來越緊密,政府也持續投入資源培育新世代人才、確保能源供應穩定和韌性與強化資訊安全,以協助企業提升產能和競爭力。蔡總統表示:「我們也努力改善投資環境,過程中有賴美國商會分享第一線的回饋與見解」。
孫曉雅處長(Sandra Oudkirk)在致詞中表示美台互動網絡對印太地區十分關鍵,雙邊夥伴關係將可提升全球供應鏈的韌性,也重申美台經貿合作的重要性。今年商會也特別邀請到兩位美國官方代表透過預錄影片致詞,包含美國國務院參事官(Counselor of the U.S. Department of State) Derek Chollet 與美國商務部部長顧問(Counselor to The Secretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce)Arun Venkataraman。
商會每年舉辦謝年飯的主要目的在於感謝台灣政府官員、商業領袖與學者過去一年來與外商的建設性交流與合作。今年謝年飯晚宴共有近 550 位商會會員、來賓與約 140 位政府官員蒞臨盛會。
關俐麗 Lily Kuan
[email protected]