
AmCham Visits Vena Energy’s Ecological Conservation Site

On January 29, AmCham Taiwan’s Energy Committee embarked on a field trip to member company Vena Energy’s ecological conservation area in Yizhu Township, Chiayi County. A total of 30 members and guests visited the site, including Bureau of Energy Director General Yu Wei-cheng, Chiayi County Magistrate Weng Chang-liang, Endemic Species Research Institute Deputy Director Lin Hsu-hung, and AmCham President Leo Seewald. There, the group learned about Taiwan’s green energy trading, international green finance, how solar power can be a force for ecological preservation, and other issues related to the development of renewable energy in Taiwan.

Renewable energy development is currently a global trend, and Taiwan’s government, seeing the need to ensure energy security, develop a green economy, and promote environmental sustainability, made green energy a core component of its 5+2 Innovative Industries initiative. It has set an ambitious goal of making renewables 20% of its energy mix by 2025, with solar power constituting the highest proportion of that category at 66.3%.

Vena’s Yizhu site is Taiwan’s largest privately run ground-mounted solar panel system, and is the first solar power project in Asia-Pacific to receive the TÜV Rheinland IEC 62446-1 certification. In the early stages of the project’s development, Vena committed significant resources to conducting an enhanced impact assessment and mitigation planning for the habitat of the Black-faced Spoonbill, a native bird species. It then minimized the construction period in order to avoid disrupting the species’ winter migration.

AmCham President Seewald praised the visit to the Yizhu site as a rare experience for members and their guests and thanked Vena for arranging the tour. He also expressed his gratitude to Director General Yu, County Magistrate Weng, and Deputy Director Lin for taking the time to join the outing.

Yu noted that the promotion of renewable energy is one of the government’s priority areas, and expressed hope that it can exchange ideas with industry moving forward in order to align Taiwan’s green energy development with global standards.

Weng warmly welcomed the Chamber’s visit to Chiayi, a location whose abundant sunlight makes it ideal for the development of solar energy. Currently, the Chiayi County government is actively promoting renewable energy development, and expects that the county’s planned science park will involve many green energy-related needs. Furthermore, the establishment of a stable and complete green energy supply chain would be very beneficial to Chiayi’s future industrial development.

In the future, AmCham will continue to plan and organize field trips to member companies’ various work and development sites, and will encourage cross-industry exchange and cooperation.

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Note: AmCham events are intended primarily for AmCham members and their guests. Many events are open to members’ guests and other non-members, but the attendance of any non-member must be approved in advance. AmCham reserves the right not to admit a non-member to any event without explanation.





韋能能源(VENA ENERGY)所屬義竹電廠是目前臺灣最大的民營地面型太陽能電廠,同時也是臺灣第一座通過德國萊因 (TÜV Rheinland) IEC 62446-1驗證標準的太陽能電廠。韋能於開發初期即進行野鳥棲息地影響評估和衝擊緩解計劃,進而縮短建設週期以避開冬季遷徙季節。在案場建置期間,韋能也和環保團體及大學院校合作,記錄案場周遭水鳥及候鳥(例如黑面琵鷺等)蹤跡及遷徙路徑,並於案場設立全臺首座綠電業者與NGO合作的生態教育展示設施–義竹綠能生態教育館,推動永續經營。




美國商會將持續不定期舉辦「Field Trip」,透過實地參訪會員公司,以期促進跨產業交流與合作。

