AmCham survey: Positive economic outlook reaches record high
Despite the severe challenges faced by businesses and markets around the world in 2020, member companies of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan are feeling overwhelmingly optimistic about the year ahead, according to the results of the organization’s 2021 Business Climate Survey (BCS).
The poll, conducted between Nov. 12 and Dec. 31, 2020, found that nearly 86% of business leaders were at least somewhat confident in Taiwan’s economic growth over the next 12 months, the highest level since the Chamber added this question to its survey four years ago. Even more notable was that a high 27.6% of respondents said that they were very confident about the coming year.
A similar level of confidence was expressed about Taiwan’s economic prospects over the next three years, and over 40% of member companies said that they plan to increase employment at their Taiwan facilities this year.
Other major findings of the 2021 survey:
- Nearly 40% say that the U.S.-China trade dispute has caused at least a small shift in their supply chains.
- Respondents see the exclusion of Taiwan from major trade agreements as the most pressing issue affecting Taiwan’s competitive positioning. 65% regard a U.S.-Taiwan bilateral trade agreement as important for their business.
- Power supply sufficiency and progress toward green energy are the biggest concerns regarding Taiwan’s future energy supply. However, the percentage of companies expressing concern about Taiwan’s goal of eliminating nuclear power by 2025 dropped to just under half of the 2020 level.
- There was unanimous agreement that Taiwan has done an outstanding job in controlling the spread of COVID-19. Nearly 64% said they were satisfied with the government’s economic relief measures.
- 7% of respondents view government efforts to improve the English language environment as potentially beneficial to Taiwan’s economic development.
The 2021 BCS was sent to 409 of AmCham’s voting representatives. Of those, 200 completed the survey for an impressive response rate of 49%.
For more information, please contact:
Jack Lu
Manager of Government & Public Affairs
[email protected]
+886-2-2718-8226 Ext. 213
Gwenyth Wang-Reeves, PhD
Senior Director of Government & Public Affairs
[email protected]
+886-2-2718-8226 ext.314
- 40%受訪者表示,美中貿易爭端影響企業供應鏈佈局。
- 參與國際貿易協定,將影響臺灣產業競爭力,也是企業關心的重點議題。65%受訪者認為,美臺雙邊貿易協定為影響企業經營之重要因素。
- 穩定能源供給以及再生能題為美商會員最關心的議題。對於政府2025年的能源計畫,會員表達一定程度擔憂,然而對比去年2020數據已降低至50%以下。
- 全部受訪者認為,臺灣防疫成果傑出。將近64%受訪者肯定政府的經濟紓困方案。
- 英語友善環境對臺灣經濟發展有正面影響,7%受訪者認為,可以感受政府推動該政策的努力。
盧恩廣 (Jack Lu)
[email protected]
+886-2-2718-8226 Ext. 213
王珮馨 (Gwenyth Wang-Reeves, PhD)
[email protected]
+886-2-2718-8226 ext.314