Survey: AmCham members expect pandemic to end in Q3, economy to recover in 18 months
TAIPEI, Taiwan – A solid majority of AmCham Taipei member companies don’t plan to furlough or lay off workers if the COVID-19 pandemic worsens, and they expect the pandemic will end in the third quarter, leading to an economic recovery in the coming 18 months, a survey reported Wednesday.
The Taiwanese government’s efforts to control the virus outbreak earned high marks, with 95 percent of the respondents saying they were very or somewhat satisfied with the government’s performance. But only 41 percent expressed a degree of satisfaction with the government’s economic relief measures, according to the flash survey conducted last week by AmCham Taipei.
Seventy-seven percent of the respondents said that the pandemic has negatively impacted their business. The biggest problems included a disruption in travel or events; decreased demand for products or services; and disruption to the supply chain.
Other significant findings were:
- 84 percent expressed a degree of confidence that Taiwan’s economy would recover in the next 18 months.
- Only 4 percent reported that they have laid off or furloughed employees, while 63 percent said they have no plans to do so if the situation worsens.
- 37 percent thought the pandemic would end in the third quarter, while 25 percent predicted it would be over in the fourth quarter.
- 72 percent said their companies had an emergency plan in place for pandemics before the COVID-19 outbreak erupted.
- 84 percent of the companies have instituted alternative working arrangements, such as remote working, and 52 percent said the measures have not negatively impacted productivity.
The survey, which had a 33 percent response rate, was conducted April 6-10 with 404 of AmCham’s voting members, mostly CEOs and general managers.
Media Contact:
Patrick Lu
Senior Manager of Government & Public Affairs
[email protected]
(02) 2718-8226 Ext. 213
Gwenyth Wang-Reeves
Director of Government & Public Affairs
[email protected]
(02) 2718-8226 Ext. 314
- 84%受訪會員對台灣經濟將於疫情平息後的18個月復甦表示一定程度信心。
- 僅4%受訪會員表示已資遣員工或開始實施無薪假,反之,63%受訪會員表示即便疫情惡化亦無上述規劃。
- 37%受訪會員認為疫情將於今年第3季平息,另有25%受訪會員預測疫情將於今年第4季結束。
- 72%受訪會員表示,早在新冠肺炎疫情爆發前,其公司已具應對疫情之緊急應變計畫。
- 84%會員公司已採取如遠距辦公等替代工作安排,而52%受訪會員表示該措施迄今並未嚴重影響生產力。
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